Category 691
Discussion List
Where do SRs live when they are "soft deleted?"Summary: The profile option SVC_SR_IN_DELETED_DAYS description states: "The number of days an SR has been soft deleted before it will be purged from the database. Must b…
Turn off inbound emails from Service Request (Classic HR Help Desk)We would like to stop the inbound emails from being created in the HR Helpdesk in Oracle. However, we still need the email channel to be kept open so that we can reply o…
Attribute's display label not fully visibleWe have a custom attribute that was created within application composer. The display label contains text of approximately 105 characters. However when the help desk page…
Can't add Help Desk Managers to Help Desk QueueSummary: We have a requirement to add resources to the queue. These resources have the HR Help Desk Manager role and are properly set up in other queues. The are not app…
Unable to merge different trading partner in item master.Summary: Unable to merge different trading partner in item master. Content (required): I am unable to merge manufacturer under item trading partner in item master as the…Mahmoud Abdulghany 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hari Kurra-Oracle Product Master Data Management
NextGen HRHD Multiple BU ImplementationSummary: Restricting the Helpdesk service request access based on BU Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Client wants to restrict the…
Possibility of label name changes on Next Gen Employee SR Creation PageSummary: Hi, Customer has a requirement to change the labels on Redwood SR Creation Page. For ex. Subject on SR Creation Page should be should be changed to 'Briefly, wh…SrikarVishnubhotla 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Default Coverage QuestionSummary: What are the values shown in the Default Level Value in Default Coverage? Is it possible to use other values like Grade or Location? Content (please ensure you …Pernel Dela Pena 62 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Redwood- HR Helpdesk - Multiple Business UnitsSummary: Hi Experts In HR Helpdesk v23D is it possible to have HRHD categories for multiple business units. I seem to only be able to see the catgories of the default bu…
Help desk emails does not show imagesWhen we include an image in an help desk message and send the message (after selecting email channel), an email is sent to the user. However the image is not shown in th…
how to create a link for the new Service request creation in a specific category ?Summary: Hello, We have a use case where the user should be navigated to the service request creation page with a specific category auto-populated. I believe this is pos…
Issues with Create Appointment and Create Task in HRHD RequestSummary: 23B has introduced new functionality to 'Create Appointment' and 'Create Task' within HD Request. But they are disappearing after come out of the HD request pag…
Next Gen HR Help Desk customer responses creating new tickets instead of attaching to originalSummary: When customers respond to Next Gen HR Help Desk emails, the response is creating a new ticket instead of getting captured in the original one. Content (please e…
HR Help Desk Category - would like to have Help Text about that Category appear when user selectsSummary: We have many Categories, for some of them we would like the User to attach certain documents, is there any way of creating Category help text Content (please en…
Service Request ButtonSummary: Probably a silly question with a simple answer, but can anyone tell me what this button is for?: Thanks! Cody Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
have anyone used HR help Desk to act as a solution for an "Idea Lab", please adviseSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Agents unable to see help desk request in queue when they are added to queue using import managementWe have a requirement to add agents to queues and the count is high. I used the import functionality as described in and the agents were added to the queues without any …
assistance in explaining the solution of using HR help Desk for Disciplinary Actions and GrievancesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Categories drop down is showing only for default BUSummary: Multiple Business Units have been enabled by setting the HZ_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_BU_CRM, and configured the list of categories for each BU. Also default BU has been …
Need emails to route to specific queueSummary: We have several inbound email channels. Is there a groovy script we can use to say if email sent to "PAYROLL@CLIENT.COM" channel, then route to Payroll queue? H…
HR Help desk work request should show a notification to accept or reject a maintenance work requestWhile creating the maintenance work order, queues are selected and asset details are entered, and the Work Request is submitted. Work request gets assigned to a queue re…
How to access Resource Directory to add a resource.Summary: I am not able to see Resource Directory under “Others” folder in the left navigation menu to add a resource for HR Helpdesk Request. Content (please ensure you …
What are the use cases of initiating Journeys from Helpesk - Release note from 24B.Please share the use cases of the journeys initiated from the HR Helpdesk page by admins.
Missing Custom Fields on Redwood PagesSummary: I have followed all the steps mentioned in the below document, we have scheduled Job#1 'HR Help Desk Metadata Migration to Redwood Help Desk' this is scheduled …
Primary Contact:Primary Address in HelpDesk Agent list page, refers to a Party object in TCASummary: Primary Contact: Primary Address in HelpDesk Agent list page, refers to a Party object in TCA and doesnt have these information populated for Employees. Only ce…
Stop Service Request creationSummary: We would like to stop the inbound emails from being created in the HR Helpdesk in Oracle. However, we still need the email channel to be kept open so that we ca…
Enable Intelligent advisor (new 24B feature) in HelpdeskOur customer would like to enable Intelligent advisor (new 24B feature) in Helpdesk. I'm looking for some use cases on this feature. Please share me some inputs on this.
Next arrow is not workingSummary: Issue: Next arrow is not working in the HR help desk request list Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): While working on the hr help de…