My Stuff
Hello Community! Josh Maxwell, a User Experience Researcher for NetSuite Foundation has fun a question for you. Imagine for a moment that NetSuite had an assistant like Alexa or Siri. What would you ask of your NetSuite assistant? Use this survey link to share your top questions to the assistant.
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Here are some examples to get your creative juices flowing.
"Did I pay vendor John Doe last month?"
"Take me to my largest sales order for this month."
"What invoices haven't been paid yet?"
Hi @"Erick Dela Rosa-Oracle" Your initial suggestion looked like it was going to work, but then started to show anomalies on executing script queues for some reason - so I tried changing to when ordered by "End Date". We still need to test this more thoroughly, but at the moment, it looks like it's giving us the result we…
Hi @"Erick Dela Rosa-Oracle", Michelle, The saved search is shown in a dash view. We want it to show the latest status, as per this image (script info obscured for commercial reasons). As mentioned previously, one scheduled script fails regularly, usually at the same time every week. For the following three days, the log…
We're in the same position as quite a few others - SCA is not an option for us, but there's no alternative to allow a move away from Sitebuilder. We've investigated using SSPs with Sitebuilder to allow use of Suitepromotions. Back in 2017, multi promo codes in SSPs was something Netsuite touted as a new feature in upgrade…
99.99% uptime over the course of year equates to less than an hour's downtime. We see far more than this in reality. The page shows average uptime. When you add a caveat like that, the information loses all its value - for all we know it could be average uptime during the slowest hours, on the slowest day of the month.
I'm currently trying to utilise Suitepromotions in a custom SSP checkout add-on for Sitebuilder, but hitting issues. Netsuite specifically say that Suitepromotions are not compatible with Sitebuilder. My interpretation of this was always that Sitebuilder's standard functionality wasn't compatible. SSP/Commerce api…
Paul Reading wrote:As far as I know no one can get Google analytics's to record transactions correctly so it is impossible to devise a pay-per -click strategy. Is this in reference to Sitebuilder?
It's working OK for me at the moment. When checking, I'd always clear your browser cache, use an alternative browser, or view in Private/Incognito mode so you're using a fresh server session. As I understand it, it could be a cache related issue, as I believe Netsuite now have CDN support on images.
Bear in mind, it's not just about the cost. Training someone internally will result in customisation which is done with a full understanding of your business. We used a 3rd party consultant for a number of years. The solutions they provided met their brief. However, in some cases, this came at the expense of speed. In…
Joined or related search fields appear the bottom of the results field selection drop down lists, denoted by three dots. If you select "Customer fields...", you'll get a sub field selection pop-up, which allows you to select customer category. Incidentally, the User Group tends to have a lot more users than this forum…
Old topic I know, but adding info in case it's of use to anyone in future.... Patchworks ( offer a managed solution to do this. If you wanted to go down the DIY route or to have more control over the process, info I've seen on Dell Boomi AtomSphere seems to suggest it may be suitable.
We were seeing intermittent issues with this prior to the 2018.2 upgrade, with the search not being triggered around 10% of time. After the 2018.2 upgrade, it stopped working altogether. This has had a major impact on our business, as we use a saved search to send drop-ship orders to suppliers, another to send web site…
If that doesn't work, I'd try REPLACE({fieldname}, '', '')
Using maximum returns the transaction with the highest line quantity on the day and every day within the date range. What I'm trying to do is return a range of dates, but display the sum quantity on the day with the highest total sales, ie. 20th June - Item 22222 total sales volume 12 21st June - Item 22222 total sales…
Are you trying to quickly see if specific invoice numbers appear in the list based on the search criteria? If so, you probably want to add document number in the "Available Filters" tab and tick the "Show in filter region" box. You should then get an input field above the results. You can then paste an invoice number in…
I use a saved search to do this. Criteria: Type: is Sales Order Date: is within this month Item: Type: is any of Assembly/Bill of Materials, Inventory Item, Kit/Package, Non-inventory Item Results: Document Number: Group Name: Group Line ID: Count (Output: Show totals checked) Divide the "Overall Total" number shown at the…
I'd tackle it a different way and run a transaction search instead: Criteria: Type: Sales Order Main Line: True Amount: Is 0.00 Date: (if appropriate for your case) Results: Customer:Name: Group Document Number Results:SORT BY Customer:Name That should give you a result set of customer names, and the option to drill down…
If you just want a list of customers who have purchased one of these items, I would use a transaction search. Criteria Date Created: is within this year Formula (Text): {item} starts with PXR3 Type: is sales order Results Name (Summary type: group) You may need to tweak criteria - obviously date as appropriate for your…
Thanks al3xicon. I thought that would be the answer I'd get. It's a saved search for stock management, which I'm eventually going to utilise within a scheduled script - but I wanted to run it for a while to confirm the output was correct and there were no unexpected results.
Thank Torin, that's working great. I'd actually managed to get the {vendor} = {othervendor} bit, but hadn't managed to figure out the logic to go with it.
Thanks again torin, but I'm heading back to where I started now! I thought exactly the same, but if I output {messagedate} and {lastmessagedate} as results columns, our system has cases with no {lastmessagedate} set. All seem to be internal messages, so I'm not sure whether this is an issue which needs addressing on our…
Thanks torin. That's along the right lines, but we initially want to group by case type (with a count), only showing the message body on drilldown within the search result. With that being the case, I think I need to somehow filter out the duplicates in the selection criteria.
Have you tried replacing chr(13) and chr(10) in case its an LF rather than a CR?
Place the CSS file(s) in the file cabinet, under the same path as the web site it relates to. Click the "Edit" link after upload to get the public URL for the file(s). Link to the CSS files in Setup > Sitebuilder > Theme > ThemeName > Addition to head Place the HTML either within the homepage template (Setup > Sitebuilder…
Setup > Sitebuilder > Set Up Website > sitename > Appearance tab - Page width. You probably need to either set to 100%, or leave the field blank. It's possible (but less than straightforward) to switch Sitebuilder sites to responsive using Bootstrap. I did it with one of our sites and gave up trying to make the cart and…
This will almost certainly involve some custom coding (if your SKUs differ from internal IDs) as the standard multi-add functionality takes product internal IDs. Suiteanswer 27779 is probably the best starting point. Alternatively, you could create an SSP and use the Commerce API addItems(items) functionality (Suiteanswers…
Just added "empty.html" to my live hosting files, so far, I'm still getting the error. Did you remove any redirects for this URL that you may have added recently and flush the cache in Cloudflare before testing? (insecure) should return a blank page. Out of the box, Netsuite…
- generates a 301 redirect to your non-https site at I'd try uploading a blank HTML page in your root folder, so it appears at Hopefully, Cloudflare should serve this using https, stopping the redirect.…
Sitebuilder always does this. If you're using Cloudflare to switch to https, you'll need to either host the CSS on an external CDN, or set the Crypto > 'Automatic HTTPs Rewrites' option to on.
Sitebuilder inserts the frame as part of the standard functionality. As with your other CSS query, you need to go into Cloudflare's options and set the Crypto > 'Automatic HTTPs Rewrites' option to on.
We have used saved searches for confirmations in the past, but had issues with emails being duplicated. The most reliable way will probably be a user event script fired on order creation.