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Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Discussion List
Add the body of the ticket in a reportSummary I want to add the text-body of the ticket in a reportContent Hello All, I'm trying to create a report for all the tickets created in the last year that will have…
Phone search field with or without hyphensContent Many of our contact phone number have hyphens and more do not. I cannot find a solution for agent to search for a contact by phone number without them needing to…
Incidents report with Answers SummarySummary Creating a report joinning two tables with no common fieldsContent Hello! I can´t find a way to add the title of an answer (answers.summary) into the incident's …
Returning More than 10k Records on Scheduled ReportContent All, We have a report that runs every night that displays new records created in one of our custom objects in the past 24hrs. This report emails itself to a hand…
Emails Received - Exclude Client Response to Auto Reply and Thank You ResponsesSummary Exclude Client Responses to Auto Replies and "thank you" responses to solved incidentsContent I am trying to update the Emails Received report to count the numbe…
Setting up multiple reporting schedules for different time periods within the same day.Summary Unable to change VRL_HARD limit, needing a workaround.Content Hi, I need to craft several reporting workarounds to report on previous days data via scheduled run…
Events at same second sorting incorrectly. Any way to go smaller than seconds in date_format?Content Hi, I've found when reporting on the chat_events table & sorting output by chat_events.created that two posts with the same second can be shown out of order. The…
Forward reports using non-default mailboxSummary Looking for a way to optionally forward analytics reports from a mailbox other than the default for that interfaceContent Being able to send specific types of re…
Catch/close "redundant" incidents that solve themselves?Summary Any ideas to recognize Incidents after customer reports issue is resolved?Content Hi All - in ecommerce, a large source of customer incidents is "Where's my orde…
Emailed Report ErrorSummary Scheduled report sending Excel opens with warningContent Hi all, We have a really simple report that is scheduled to run once daily. The report contains only 3 c…
Best Practice Guide - How to Improve Reporting Performance in Oracle Service CloudContent Attached to this post is a revised best practices document that specifically deals in optimizations and report performance within Oracle Service Cloud. Included …
Analytics CookbookContent Welcome to the Analytics Cookbook! This is an exciting resource intended to help with your Oracle Service Cloud Analytics. How do you measure the value your orga…
Report Editor, Home > Records is not showing custom tableSummary Connected workspace opens for one report but not for anotherContent On a report A when you double click the record it opens a workspace for the connected custom …
Report: Queue-Change - Exclude resolved IncidentsSummary Hey @ all. I'm still creating a report to get the correct count of incidents which leaves a queue unresolvedContent Hey @ all. i wanna show my Managers what happ…
Show Percentages of crosstab column Total?Summary Need help creating a view that show trending over time (daily, weekly etc) in the % split of our Product IDs..Content I know this is possible but seem to be unab…
Creating a custom report with a date range in the outputSummary 1-6 days passed SLA, 7-10 Days passed SLA, 11-14 Days and 15 or greaterContent Hi friends, I am trying to create a report with incident data where I am checking …
Schedule a half month reportSummary schedule a report that shows 16th to end of monthContent Hi, does anyone have an idea if it is possible to schedule a report based on hard-set half month? So the…
Passing filter value to search report dynamically from workspaceSummary Passing filter value to search report dynamically from workspaceContent when we open a search report from a workspace, i want to pass a filter value dynamically,…
Exceptions don't work after the script processing has runContent How do I make exceptions work when I have a custom script processing the rows? Should it still work because I can't make it work So let's say I have a column tha…
date_add but only weekdaysSummary Want to use date_add, but only using weekdaysContent We have a variable that adds different numbers of days to the created date depending on the category to give…
Saved Prompt Values not working (Apply Saved Customizations)Summary Need ability to have individual users review Analysis based on their prompt value selections and be able to save those values so they don't have to make prompt s…
group search resultsSummary OKA I try to make a grouping of results by date and IDContent Hi, for an OKA customer im working on a report that groups searches by contact iD, by datetime. I g…Sjoerd Spring in 't Veld-145555 33 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Sjoerd Spring in 't Veld-145555
Report join should display info from Primary & Secondary tableSummary Report join should display info from Primary & Secondary tableContent I have contact table with primary employment detail and custom object secondary employment …
Report including Incident created, status changed and previous status changed date columnsSummary Help required with Custom Script to enable date in status reporting requirementContent Hi, 1. I have built a report that uses the Incidents table to get the refe…
how to get the number of chats by siteContent We offer customers to start chat from customer Portal and brand website (by CCL link), i would like to identify how many chat coming from our custhelp pages and …
Show corresponding filter valueSummary Show corresponding filter valueContent Hi, I have 2 filters ID & Name. User filter the report either by ID or Name. I show filter value in text item ((filter nam…
How to show decimal places in 'average' column calculation?Summary Using the 'average' calculation is rounding, and I don't want it to.Content Hi everyone, I am trying to use "Edit Calculations" on a report column to get an aver…
Changing date in report column from dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yySummary Change from 4 digit year to 2 digit yearContent In Edit Definition I have tried date_format(fieldname,'DDMMYY') but it stopped showing the date and just repeated…
Date group formatting by week.Content Hi, I am grouping data into reporting weeks by using the syntax below: date_format(transactions.created,'Week: WW MONTH YY'). This is displayed as "Week: 34 Augu…
Filter "To" Email Addresses in Forward IncidentSummary Filter "To" Email Addresses in Forward IncidentContent Is it possible to filter the list of email addresses that are displayed when forwarding an incident? For e…