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Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Discussion List
Help to Improve Efficiency of Transactions Query?Content Hi all, I recently rebuilt one of our oooooold reports that was originally created by my predecessor in the role. The original would break querying a days worth …
Create custom report with Audit log of Account managementContent Hi all, I looking for generate a report where are centralice all staff account changes (Create, Update, Delete) with information field time created, user name, a…Luis Daniel Contreras Guillen 60 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Luis Daniel Contreras Guillen
Reporting of Operational metrics at the Email level, as opposed to the Incident levelContent Has anyone had any luck reporting on emails at the transactional level, rather than at the incident level? Would like to create a report that will shows metrics …
Scheduled Reports - Record Limit - VRL_HARD - configuration settingContent We have some scheduled reports that are being cut off at the 15000 record limit. Just want to confirm if increasing the VRL_HARD - configuration setting will car…
Report showing Agent who add Incident CommentsContent I am looking to create a report that will show the name of the agent that added comments to an incident. We use a Custom Object to hold the comments that an agen…
Popup message box upon running a report?Content Could someone please tell me whether it is possible (perhaps using custom scripts?) to present a dialog box when a user runs a report? I'd want the message box t…
Chat Total DiscrepancyContent I have 2 columns, each returning different chat totals and I'm not sure why. My columns are: * COUNT(chat_agent_sessions.chats_completed) * SUM(IF(date_diff(chat…
Actual Response TimeContent Hi, Need help to design a report which will give the actual response time of incidents. I checked couple of standard reports but all of them either give the Crea…
ROQL Multiple FiltersContent Currently have the below but looks like just the second one is listened to and not the first, please advise how I'd pass multiple filters using ROQL to an analyt…
Cross Tab rollup totalsContent Is there a way to move the rollup total in a cross tab report to the row with the Rollup Column Name, so it looks more like an Excel Pivot table? Then when the R…
Logged In Id in CustomScripts ofreportsContent Can we get Logged in Staff Account Id in Custom Scripts of Reports: It seems the below code is not working. Can someone help how to get Logged in Account's Id in…
Obtain URL address of OSC variablesContent Hi all, I have to build a report using an analytical tool and I need to extract the data from Oracle Service Cloud. So far, I was able to identify the source of …
Hide columns & Update field - REST API callContent Hi, I have a requirement where an external system needs to pull certain information from OSvC on a daily basis. I was planning to create an Analytics report with…
I want the count of incident based on below conditionContent Hello Team, Need your help Again. Below are the requirement to set the exception in the report. I want the count of incident based on below condition...... a. If…
Viewing all incidents that have ever been updated by a customerContent Viewing all incidents that have ever been updated by a customer - how would I go about doing this? Is there a standard report I can look at?
Automatically print or forward incidents from a reportContent I have a simple report that returns incidents assigned to a specific exit category. Is it possible for Oracle Service Cloud to: 1) run this report at 5pm ET on w…
Scheduled report for Application ErrorsContent Hi Team, Is there a report that can be scheduled to administrators whenever an application error occurs in the system? Regards, Sylvia
IP Address of chat customer in real time reportContent For the Chat tables in Oracle, there are several real time and several historical tables. The IP address of the person chatting with our agent is available to th…
Report of Incidents by Hour / Queue / StatusContent Hi - I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction for solving this report request that I have been given: "A report by hour of how many incidents are i…
Exception email trigger when incident enters queueContent Hi everyone, happy Friday I am looking for a solution where an email notification is triggered in real-time whenever an incident enters a queue. e.g. incident 17…
restriction of 'in list' operator in analytics reportContent Hi all, just would like to know, if there is any restriction related to the in list operator in Analytics, e.g. length of the parameter/value, or amount of param…
How to add,hyperlink and export the sum of a columnContent Is it possible to extract the data from a calculated expression in a report with the hyperlink within RightNow. In this eg; I wanted to get the linewise data for…
Finding status incident at a particular timeContent Hi, I have created a report where incidents join onto transactions so I can see what status a incident was (please see attached). My question is given a date as …
reporting on sessions by contactContent We have one interface where we have the users log in when they access the site. On our contact records for these users that log in, we have custom fields to show…
Replace count with text?Content Is there a way to replace a count for specific issue types with text? For example, If SPAM and DUPLICATE issue types appear on a report, then ignore the count fo…
Report on Indexed PhrasesContent Is there a way to pull indexed phrases for an Answer or Incident? We have had to ask Support in the past (usually met with an initial "we can't do this unless so…
Please deleteContent Please delete
Reusing reports for drill downsContent Good afternoon - First, apologies if this topic has been discussed and I was not clever enough in my searching to find the correct result. I have a pretty simple…
Creatiing a report that show if the incident and Knowledge baseContent I am creating a report based on Incident table and Account table filtered by queue. Also shows if incident was escalated and to which queue. The trouble I am hav…
Reusable fields and filtersContent Hi, We have several reports, some of them based on similar filters and showing similar fields. As those filters and fields change ever time, is there a way to cr…