Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Discussion List
Export data from a Drill down reportContent Hi all, I am using a drill down report which show data based on a fliter and group filter (level) My requirement is to export all the drilldown data which is not…
write to incident from custom script in analyticsContent Hi Ive setup established comms in the custom script editor of analytics as follows require_once(get_cfg_var('doc_root')."/ConnectPHP/Connect_init.php"); initConn…
Survey results in an Incident tab.Content I'm trying to figure out how to display the results of "msg_lookup('VIEW_RESULTS_CMD')" in an Incident tab, but so far I can find no mention of either msg_lookup…
Get report data between a specific timeContent Hi all, How can i get the list of all the incidents created between a time interval everyday for a week (say from 7am - 7pm) I tried and but every time i have to…
Incident Alert Report - Comparing Today vs. Past Submit Rates - Analytics Cookbook RecipeContent Incident Alert Report Compare Today's Incidents Author: Bastiaan van der Kooij Independent Oracle Service Cloud Consultant Difficulty rating: (Advanced) Target p…
Exporting Hidden ColumnsContent Hi We are generating reports, with hidden columns, is there anyway to print or exporting them without un-hidding. I thought i read about this before but i can no…
Insert value into field using Custom ScriptContent Hi All, I have a requirement for a report that calculates a value based on some pre-populated fields in the database and then inserts that value into a custom fi…
Trouble using incidents.search_thread to match multiple termsContent Hi, I'm trying to set up a report to locate incidents where certain phrases have been used. I have several phrases I'd eventually be able to locate, but the exam…
Detailed Contact Editor ReportContent I'm looking to create or modify an existing report whereby I can see which agent has edited what and when on a contact record. The current report that is in use …
Conditional Formatting based on System Date to capture current weekContent Hello-- I'm creating a report where I need to define dates into buckets within the column. I have Assigned Account, Due Date, Count of Ref.No. as my three column…
Assigned byContent I want to add a column to my queue report that will show me who was the incident last assigned by (basically who assigned the incident to me). Keeping in mind th…
Answer Effectiveness Macro View - Analytics Cookbook RecipeContent Answer Effectiveness Macro View Author: Joe Landers Oracle Service Cloud Difficulty rating: (Basic) Target persona: Chief Customer Office, VP Operations, Busines…
Missing results for non ticket closersContent HI all I am created a report of my team, the report contains “SA”, “number of tickets closed” based on a date range. The issue i am having is, I only get SA’s th…
KB Effectiveness report article effectiveness through timeContent Hello, I was wondering if anyone has created a report that allows the comparison of the effectiveness of articles through time, i.e., 2015 vs 2016, etc? Version …
Filtering against Logged In Account FieldsContent I think that this may be one for Kenny T's expertise. I am looking to create a report which it to pull information from the logged in account and use it as a fil…
File format and extension of "file name" don't matchContent When we schedule reports in the format of Excel Attachment, we always receive an warning when opening in Excel. The error reads that the file format and extensio…
products with no incidentsContent I'd like to get a report that list products that do not have any related incidents. Any ideas?
Show Errors from Custom Report ScriptContent Is there any way to see the errors generated by a custom report script somewhere? I saw a few posts that said this was possible, but I couldn't tell if they were…
Adding custom text above search fieldsContent Hello dears, We're creating a custom Contacts search report and we were wondering is it possible to include a text above the search fields when searching? Basica…
How to exclude holidays from a report showing a weekly / daily average volume of incidentsContent I have a report which shows the average number of incidents per day. I need a way to write the daily average column so that it excludes days which are configured…
Definitions and functionsContent Hey Ya'll! So I am new to this, so please forgive me if this is a simple question that I cannot figure out. The definition of our chat service level states: sum(…
Best way to count casesContent Hello, I'm a little stuck here... Can someone tell me what the best way to count the number of cases would be in Oracle? I've found about 10 different ways, each…
Report to list accounts assigned to incident and chat queuesContent We have quite a few profiles and there is some overlap on incident queue or chat queues assigned to profiles. As staff turns over, I want to make sure we never e…
Dynamic report based on the dayContent If want to create a report with dynamic filter. For example, lets take incident.created date field. If I run the report on monday, then report should fetch incid…
Scheduled Report Export FormatsContent When you create a new schedule for a report, the drop down menu lists the export file formats available. However, when trying to create a report that includes th…
Exporting results from Report Management?Content Is it me or is this not possible? Is there a way to ADD these options to the screen? Version FEB 2015
Typing Expressions so Slow in Windows 10Content Does anyone else experience the slowness of typing in Column Expressions in a report using Windows 10? The longer the expression gets the slower it becomes. Writ…
Less than date filter including "No Value"Content I'm creating a report to show incidents with a due date in the current week and prior. I was able to accomplish this with using the expression as the date, opera…
Filtering for last 12 hoursContent Hello, I am working on a pretty basic report that tells me which cases came in during the last 12 hours. I am using the Incidents.Created field for the date/time…
Scheduling Drill Down Reports?Content Hi all, Is there any way to schedule reports that have drill downs, so that all of the report information is sent on the schedule? I have a repot with two layers…