Answer Effectiveness Macro View - Analytics Cookbook Recipe
Answer Effectiveness
Macro View
Author: Joe Landers
Oracle Service Cloud
Difficulty rating: (Basic)
Target persona: Chief Customer Office, VP Operations, Business Analyst, Call Center Director, Knowledge Administrator
Everyone in Business Operations knows every contact management metric under the sun: ABA, ASA, AHT, AWT, CWT, MTTR, FCR, RCR, SVL, NCO, NCH, CSAT, NPS, and many more. For most Oracle Service Cloud clients, the Knowledgebase is interacting with their end customers eight to ten times more frequently than agents and, yet, very few people in any company are familiar with the metrics that define the customer experience with the Knowledgebase. This report is intended to highlight the metrics that tell us how customers are interacting with a Knowledgebase.