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Historical assignment records showing in Redwood in Employment Info without been enabledSummary: Historical assignment records showing in Redwood in Employment Info without been enabled for those in Redwood Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…M Santoshi-Oracle 32 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Valentina_Mih-Oracle Human Capital Management
Issue when changing work location "Couldn't change the assignment"We have moved to Redwood and when trying to change the work location for a few current employees (not all) we are receiving this notification and are unable to complete …
Querying 'Entered Unit Cost' and 'Material' from the 'Rolled Up Cost' ViewSummary: I need to make a query and retrieve the 'Entered Unit Cost' and 'Material' from the 'Rolled up Cost' view, but I'm not sure which table I should use to obtain t…
Label Name Modification in RedwoodSummary: Need to modify a label in Redwood UI Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Since we are using Redwood UI (SaaS) for the page, we need t…
Support Required – Identifying Errored Transaction in Approval LogDear Team, We need your assistance in identifying a specific errored transaction within the Approval Log file. Issue Description: We have configured an approval rule, fo…Jeeva R 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Issue with Loading Local Name List of Values for Employee Hiring in Redwood PagesSummary: While hiring an employee, the Local Name List of Values does not appear as expected when trying to add the employee's local name also when adding salary we are …Tareq Yousef 60 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Roaa.Lotfy-Oraclee-Oracle Human Capital Management
Default DFF Using UDT in AutocompleteWe are creating an Autocomplete rule to default Position DFF using values from a UDT. The example logic is as follows - If Department is HOSPITAL BASED PHYSICIAN then de…Joanne Chung 266 views 19 comments 1 point Most recent by Bianca Lei Villareal HCM Experience Design Studio: Autocomplete Rules
Can Career Site Asset Library URLs be used in notifications and Offer Letter templates?Summary: Our client would like to apply branding to notifications and offer letter templates but the current documentation posted has conflicting information. The Implem…
Reporting on Financial Project Plan Burden Cost DetailsIs there any way through OTBI or BIP reporting to report on/export the individual burden cost breakouts applied in a Financial Project Plan (visible under Burden Cost De…
Learning alert being triggered two days in a rowSummary: Hi all, We have an issue where the Resource Alert for the assigned courses is being triggered two days in a row for some users. We believe this started after we…
Total Hours to be shown on payslipSummary: We have a business requirement to show the total hours worked in a pay period on payslip. If an employee has multiple elements with input values are Hours and r…APattnayak 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by APattnayak Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Getting errors on Embedded application pages in Journey pageSummary: We have tried with seeded Employee role and custom roles and getting errors on Journey page. We are using task type = Embedded Application Task for Demographics…
Organization Specific Rate Type to Generate Accounted Amounts for Intercompany Batch transactionsSummary: 25A-Organization Specific Rate Type to Generate Accounted Amounts for Batch-Based Intercompany Transactions As per 25A document, the order of precedence the rat…
How to grant access to user to get full list of AP Payment Terms?Summary: Grant access to user to get full list of AP Payment Terms Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi We need to grant access to an user, …Elena Ramona 17 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Elena Ramona Payables, Payments & Cash Management
When to run ESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS?Summary: What factors to determine to run theESS job to run Bulk ingest to OSCS with Program Name to run Bulk Ingest is fa-hcm-person? Content (please ensure you mask an…Ferdie Mendoza 17 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Ferdie Mendoza Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Vendor managed inventory -without license for the module Collaborative PlanningSummary: We do not have a planning license, but we want to implement Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) for our business. We need to set up Manage VMI network, which is part…
Activity History shows random 'Route Updated' actionsSummary: In the screen capture below, there are Route updated actions that predate the creation of the activity - I have never noticed these before. The sync error is al…
Applying List binding LOV_K_tobaccoUser with given set of values leads to no matching row forSummary: When attempting to complete Hire an Employee using Redwood, we get this error after entering name & SSN. Applying List binding LOV_K_tobaccoUser with given set …
Dashboard prompt dependentSummary: Creation of a Dashboard prompt with Job Family, Job Function and Job Profile field dependent from each other. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Reference to Recruiting Content Library ExpressionsSummary: Reference to Recruiting Content Library Expressions Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Everyone, Is there a reference on how t…Ahmed Abdelraheem 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
User entity to get the Chart of Accounts Description to be used in HCM ExtractI am looking for an user entity to get segment description. Please let me know if anyone is familar.
Local and Global Transfer: Hide Source Assignment Status - RedwoodHello Community, Situation: When entering the "local and global transfer" transaction in Redwood and get to the section "When and Why" there the "Source Assignment Statu…
Redwood: Employment info, name undefined, Permission is required to view this content.Hello community, when entering the redwood page "employment info" of an employee then there is occures the following (error) message: "Permission is required to view thi…
data table - how to put a condition on a row based on the value of an attribute in another rowSummary: how to put a condition on a row based on the value of an attribute in another row Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I have a…Giulia Del Tredici 9 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Giulia Del Tredici Configure Price Quote
Business Rules on Before You Enroll Redwood PageSummary: Hi, We are trying to hide Statutory Dependent Field and Disability Status Field from the Before You Enroll Redwood Page, but currently aren't able to do so sinc…
Workaround for approval of refunds in PayablesSummary: Since there are currently no approval workflow for refunds in Receivables, I'm looking for workarounds on how others have managed to create an approval / review…
Add benefit option name in Document approved/rejected notificationSummary: We want to get the Benefit option for which the attached document is being approved/rejected in the Document Rejection/Approval notification. Is there any groov…
Supplier Merge History and Merge Activity ReportSummary: Use merge history and OTBI report to review supplier merge activities Content (required): From time to time, your suppliers may go through business consolidatio…
Error when add items to cart in 25A RSSP pageSummary: In 25A, there's a new feature "View Search Results in a List View During Shopping", we enabled it. But when we try to add one or multiple items to the cart usin…
Not able to change Enterprise date from work relationshipHi Team, We need to change Enterprise Hire Date ....Legal Employer Hire Date cannot be same as Enterprise Hire Date for employees who came from acquisition . It is curre…Akhil Swarnkar 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management