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Control Budget Load IssueHi, Business would like to know is there any other possible way to load the Budgets without running an integration. If yes they would like to know the detailed steps. As…Jayaram AnuPriya-Oracle 17 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayaram AnuPriya-Oracle Budgetary Control
Do we have any git repository/drive/page where developers upload ODA chatbots that they develop?Summary: We are trying to reuse ODA chatbots that are already built by developers that can perform Supply chain and ERP related activities. Is there a global place where…
Not able to submit leave on last date of transfer due to balance close happening on that date.Summary: We have developed a custom page using VBS, which allows employees to submit leaves for a pre-transfer assignment if they have a balance. If they do not have eno…
Redwood Performance Admin user unable to access employee's Performance DocumentSummary: Within Redwood Performance when trying to access an employees Performance Document we can search for the document but when clicking into this to view the detail…
New Hire Journey - Responsive to Redwood PPM TaskWe currently have a New Hire Tasks journey set up as an external URL using the deeplink to the responsive page for Payment Methods. In a few weeks, we'll be shifting to …
Original Date of Revenue Events that are sweptSummary: As part of period close process, We have swept Revenue Events from previous periods to the latest open period. We would like to now if there is a way to identif…
How can we add a skill to a job profile using HCM Rest APISummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Maintain Areas of Responsibilities Redwood page is not configurable in Visual Builder Studio?Summary: I want to configure the Maintain Areas of Responsibilities Redwood page to have some default filters and all columns selected by default when a user goes there.…
Payroll Variance ReportHas anyone attempted to use the Payroll Variance Report just delivered with the March Stat patch (Payroll Variance Report)? I just tried running it since we actually use…Rebecca Graham 7 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Rebecca Graham Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How can the HCM-Rest-Api be Audited and where is it storedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
In which scenario the candidate job application phase and state is not displayed for candidateSummary: Unable to see the candidate phase and state for the job application. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): The candidate is active in r…Pavan Kumar M G-Oracle 15 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn Saunders Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Stop automatic purchase order communicationSummary: Hi Team, The PO's are automatically communicated to the suppliers once approved. Please let me know how the automatic communication can be stopped for a certain…
Unable to create referenced RMA using VBCS templateUnable to create referenced RMA using VBCS template The issue seems to be with respect to the template since the header is getting imported whereas the lines are failing…
Activity Pickers - Create a RecordSummary: It appears that the Account and Contact pickers include the Create Action on every object except activity. Account Picker on Opportunity Account Picker on Activ…
Mandatory Redwood features in Oracle Fusion starting 25BWhat all Redwood features are going to be mandatory starting 25B in the below Oracle Modules Inventory Management Order Management Manufacturing (Work Execution, Work De…
Highest Role to Assign to IT for access to all modulesSummary: We have assigned multiple roles to IT in order to help troubleshoot in many different areas (HR, Payroll, Ap, Etc.) Is there ONE role that would give us access …
Previous approver to receive notification once the next approver rejects the PR or PO.Summary: We have a scenario where a transaction (PR or PO) has multiple approvers. The first approver approved the transaction, then the second approver rejected the tra…
How do you track metrics on ORC career siteContent Hi Team, Our client would like know the metrics of the career site like how many candidate browsed the site, how many applied for jobs, how many candidates went …Shikha Agarwal 131 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Utkarsh_Gold_Trophy Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Inventory Ageing ReportSummary: Inventory Ageing Report Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Is there any OTBI based Inventory Ageing Report ? Or anyone has cr…
There was a problem evaluating the plan matrix. (ANC-3405067)Hello , I created simple Length of service Derived factors and use them in Annual Accrual matrix Expression , But when i Run the accrual i face below error Derived facto…
eText BIP Template inserting blank row at top of output fileSummary: eText BIP Template inserting blank row at top of output file Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We have a BIP eText template …
How to change default theme colors for Redwood - Supplier RegistrationSummary: How to change default redwood colors - Supplier Registration - Verification Page. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (includ…
New entitlement to statutory neonatal leave in the UKSummary: The UK government has announced today that a new entitlement to statutory paid time off will be introduced for UK employers Content (please ensure you mask any …Lesley Macdonald 211 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by SivaKumarRajan Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
How to implement storefront login with user data fetched from SSE?Summary: We currently have Storefront SSO with SAML implemented that customers use to login. We want to implement a custom login without SSO. Content (please ensure you …
DFF at Miscellaneous Transaction - to default in Account CombinationOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): Hello, I have created a DFF value Dep…
OIC Integration failed in activation with error as Failed to located the service endpoint.Last activation attempt failed. {0}. ; Failed to located the service endpoint for the service https://hcm host:443/hcmRestApi/resources/ Please conta…
How to create Buyer View only custom roleSummary: There is a need to have role where user can only view the purchasing documents (PO, Requisition, Agreements). The users should not have option of tasks Create O…
Please advise on how to extract Data Management Workbench data before Logic Group logics are appliedSummary: We have a process to extract Data Management workbench data (using SQL query) for all the locations for any specific period. Our process is working fine. Genera…
Create new EPM Pods in OCI consoleSummary: Oracle is announcing that the My Services will be replaced with OCI Console after Mar 31st, 2025. Does anyone know how to create new EPM PoDs/monitor EPM enviro…
Issue and Resolutions from the Transaction ConsoleSummary: Hello, I was able to find the issue description and resolution information from the table "HRC_CONSOLE_FAULT_DETAILS_VL". However, I'm unable to connect the act…