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Can't change position details in Promote and Change positionSummary: Hello, I tried to test the Promote and change position Quick action, but I can't edit position information in the Position details section None of the field are…
Need Sample CandidateProfile HDL file to load candidate Education and Degree in a same HDL.Summary: Need Sample CandidateProfile HDL file to load candidate Education and Degree in a same HDL. Please share some sample HDL and insights in loading the same. We ar…Niharika 417 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_PMTDV Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Is it possible to send year-end review acknowledgement reminders to employees via text?if yes, what are the possible texts they would receive?
how to configure finished good in one org which raw material in another organizationSummary: We have a scenario where item A is a finished good manufactured in one Inventory organization, transferred to another organization and it becomes part of anothe…
Manage Receiving Transaction completed successfully but receipt is not generatedWhile creating the receipt of the Transfer Order through FBDI upload file, Load Import file for Interface process as well as Manage Receiving Transaction process complet…Akanksha995 14 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Alina Tola–Support-Oracle Inventory Management
Rate Calculation based on Age of Spouse or PartnerInviting suggestions from Community Experts for below requirement and review on approaches tried so far: Rate Calculation = (User Inputted Coverage Amount/10,000)X(Age B…
Is it possible to create a Custom Infolet in the Purchase Order Overview?Summary: Is it possible to create a Custom Infolet in the Purchase Order Overview? And How to do it? Procurement > Purchase Orders > Overview There are infolets in Purch…
Is there a possibility that HR has the ability to search/add successors outside of their AOR?Summary: Grant HR the ability to search and add associates outside of their AOR, to their succession plans. TA currently has this capability when going into the Hiring M…
Emergency Contact Field Visibility Issue in Redwood PageWe’re currently working on an impact analysis and have encountered an issue with the 'Family and Emergency Contacts' fields in the Redwood UI. I’d appreciate any insight…
Redwood SSP – The Product Fiscal Classification is not generated automaticallySummary: This is Regarding an issue we have encountered with the Redwood SSP. Specifically; the Product Fiscal Classification is not being generated automatically when c…Shashikanth Kumar P-Oracle 2 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Shashikanth Kumar P-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Creating Instances After March 31, 2025 Without MyServicesSummary: I recently logged into MyService and saw that there was an announcement that after March 31, 2025 MyService will no longer be available and that we need to sign…
Warning & Error Messages when using certain functions in the "Oracle Fusion Applications" mobile appOur company is making use of the "Oracle Fusion Applications" mobile app that is available for download on the playstores. When using this standard Oracle mobile app, we…
Send notification when qualification is expiringSummary: We have a requirement from client, when Qualification is about to expire, let say before 30 days or 10 days, system should send notification to supplier and qua…Chintan_Thakkar99 12 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Chintan_Thakkar99 Supplier Qualification Management
Documentation for Order Management AI Use casesWe got below Use cases from Oracle documentation Do we have any Oracle documentation or video to implement below scenarios. Please share any details regarding these.
How to republish all dunning letters individually in one goSummary: To republish all dunning letters in one go - I used top Republish option as in screenshot below. But it combined all the transactions in one letter, which is no…
Users are able to post journals to any subledger even they don't have accessSummary: User is able to post journals to any subledger even access to the module is not granted. Is there an OOTB configuration or recommended approach to restrict jour…
Why the 'scheduled' Pick Wave is not printing out any Pick Slips for particular user.Summary: why the 'scheduled' Pick Wave is not printing out any Pick Slips? We are able to run it manually and it works, so what could be causing the automatic one to con…
Corporate card number format for MastercardSummary: We're implementing Mastercard corporate card with masked card number format but the upload process doesn't show any transaction. Content (please ensure you mask…
OIC Integration failed in activation with error as Failed to located the service endpoint.Last activation attempt failed. {0}. ; Failed to located the service endpoint for the service https://hcm host:443/hcmRestApi/resources/ Please conta…Mukesh Kumar Yadav-Oracle 129 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by simone sbraga Fusion Service
Disable RF User Ability to Approve/Reject QC LPNs in Oracle WMS using RF QC CompleteSummary: RF QC Approval and Rejection Process Flow Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Can we disable the ability for RF users to approve or r…Anish Chandran 28 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Keshav Ramesh -Support-Oracle Warehouse Management
Management of India Employees and best approach for Salary PlanningSummary: Looking for best practices on tips for how to set-up salary basis and manage salary and bonus using Workforce Compensation Content (please ensure you mask any c…
Users are able to post journals to any subledger even they don't have accessSummary: User is able to post journals to any subledger even access to the module is not granted. Is there an OOTB configuration or recommended approach to restrict jour…
Redwood Biographical infoSummary: We have started moving responsive to redwood pages, while migrating we have encounter the Biographical info for employee login it is showing no data. I have att…
Query on Restricting Participant Selection and Mandatory Evaluation in Anytime Feedback DocumentWe are in the process of creating an Anytime Feedback document and require the following functionalities: A restriction where the manager should only be able to select p…
We want to give users read only access as we merge with another Oracle Cloud instanceSummary:We want to give users read only access as we merge with another Oracle Cloud instance. We would like to use FND_READ_ONLY_MODE for the users but don't want it to…Marie McCarthy-Guigon 6 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Human Capital Management
No of Labels per Row functionalityOrganization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of): BATA Description (Required) What is t…
Restricting Visibility of Time Card Earnings Element.Summary: We created a new timecard earnings element and we want to restrict its entry before June 1, 2024. The element should not be visible to employees prior to this d…Piyush Pokharkar-Oracle 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Work Assignment Workbench visualizationSummary: We have created a work assignment, but when trying to see the details in the work assingment workbench, we are not able to see the shipments or the stops, neith…María Liébana Garrido 4 views 0 comments 0 points Started by María Liébana Garrido Transportation Management
Manage Audit Policies --> Oracle Platform Security ServicesSummary Researching on how to audit OPSSContent I am researching on how to audit the OPSS (Oracle Platform Security Services) from Manage Audit Policies. In the Manage A…User_2025-02-04-18-05-14-899 200 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Dhaval Sheth Applications Security
Warning "The total weights don't equal 100% in the evaluation topics"Summary: We are trying to update the warning message when a worker submits their goals and receives the notification. Can you share the Message Name Code in Setup and Ma…