Service Request Management
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How to enable Format painter option in Service request object?Format painter option is not enabled hence we are unable to maintain the font style and font colour in service request. Kindly please let us know how to add format paint…
Can I use the following seeded fields?Hi, I will be persisting external system service request ID, and service request number (both are different values), in Oracle CX Service Request form. Can I use the "Or…
Ability to maintain same serial number for child assetsHi users, We want to know if it is possible to maintain the same serial number for different child assets of a parent asset (items will be different for the child assets…
What is the purpose of 'Due Date' under an action added to a Help Desk request?Summary: What is the purpose of 'Due Date' under an action added to a Help Desk request? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I created an acti…
How to Restrict Service Request Visibility Based on Queue**This post was created as part of a How to Service Request (SR) Release: 22C Summary of the question: We would like to limit the service request visibility based on que…
Export standard coverage / Entitlement RulesHi everyone, We needed to export all the data from standard coverages / entitlement rules as we need to validate if all the categories are listed. We tried using "Export…
Setting Up Estimate Approval from Customers in Oracle Fusionthe scenario is, the bus arrives at the depot, and ask for a repair, now we need to provide an estimate of the repair and once approve we will create the corresponding w…
Copying Attachment from OEC to SiebelSummary: Currently we have a Button created on Service Request Header. On click on the button, we are sending/copying SR header data from OEC to Siebel. We are using the…
Work Order TypeHi, I have a requirement to default work order type, Please let me know how to retrieve WoTypeId field for work order type ? Thanks, Ravi S
Is it possible to show the Installed Base Asset Lot Number on the Service RequestSummary: We are using both lot and serial controlled products in service. We have the Installed Base Asset Serial Number field on the service request, but we don't seem …John Schmottlach 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sam Houg - Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Auto Populate Account from selected Contact on an SR (Redwood)In the classic UI, if a user removes the Account/Contact on an SR and then updates the Contact the Account automatically populates based on the selected contact. Does an…
Service Request Category Setup and Maint Redwood pagesIn CX Service 23D the Manage Service Request Categories setup task is a Redwood page. We added 2 custom attributes to the Category object in App Composer and published t…
Can we put order in draft status from SR?Summary: While pushing the sales order from the B2B Service Request, the order directly goes to OM. Is there any way we can put the order in draft status from the Servic…
SetAttribute in Groovy script after calling a REST Api not changing status?Hello, We have a script of calling third party web service and after that script we want to update the status of the Service Request, but it's not working with setAttrib…
How to Create a Custom Table with an Actions Column in Oracle Fusion Service UI Extension AppProblem Statement A system implementor is facing a challenge in creating a custom table with an action column in Oracle Fusion Service UI extension app. The action colum…
Ability to stop Customer Service Representative from seeing Pricing details in Asset Overview PageHi team, In the Asset overview page, is there anyway the service representative can be made to not see the pricing details in the Last Sales Order Tab, Subscription tab …
OEC: Date field in Advanced Filter shows in UTC and result data shows in User TZ EST in Landing PageDate attribute 'Debrief Completion Date/Time' in Advanced Filter applies in UTC and the resultant data shows in User preferred time zone (EST) in 'Work Order' landing pa…
Query to find child SRSummary: Child SR is added into the Parent SR via Relationships tab as shown in below snapshot. How can we get the child SRs through query? The table SVC_SR_REFERENCES s…Umer Khitab 25 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Does anyone know how to modify the values for the profile SVC_ATTACHMENT_UI?Summary: How do we modify the value of the profile SVC_ATTACHMENT_UI? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Our client wants to change the displ…Ameet Keshkamat 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Narendra More-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
CyberSource payment gateway in b2b service request redwoodSummary: Hello, We have a requirement to integrate a 3rd party payment gateway for pre-authorizing credit cards and processing payments on our B2B service. The chosen pa…
How to Bypass the SSO Login for External customers to login in Bill Management Portal.How to Bypass the SSO Login for External customers to login in Bill Management Portal. Please go through the Doc : How to Bypass Federation SSO For Supplier Portal ( Doc…vivek mancha 143 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Narendra More-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to limit Service Request accessSummary: How to limit a resource to only view/edit Service Requests that they created or are Assigned To. Current visibility with native Customer Service Rep or Sales Re…
HRHD - Ability to automatically change the Status from In Progress to Waiting and vice versa.Summary: Is this automation possible in HR Hep Desk? (i) Ability to automatically change the status from 'In Progress' to 'Waiting' when Agent messages via Oracle applic…
How to get the related SRs(using OOTB relationship tab) in groovy?Created a Relationship of type "Related To" from a Service Request to another Service Request from the subtab Relationship in Service Request object. We are able to find…
Schedule Custom Groovy Object Functions process completed successfully but no effect on setAttributeSummary: Schedule Custom Groovy Object Functions" Is Not Working, Process Completes Successfully But See No Effect Of It For setAttribute() Function Inside It Content (p…
Can we control the visibility of installed base asset based on the logged in used business unitSummary: Need to control the visibility of installed base asset Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a standard way to control the ins…Jaison Joseph-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by mai fukumura-support-Oracle Fusion Service
Unable to update custom fields through FBDIHi team, We had created custom fields in a new subtab in the Installed Base Asset UI. These custom fields are not updateable through FBDI process however we want to buil…
Attachment not available when status is closedSummary: Users need to be able to access the attachments even when the SR status is Closed. Why is it disappearing? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…