Work Orders and Service Logistics
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Need an API for Installed Base Asset SplitHi team, I need an API to split Installed Base Assets like the functionality of "Split all" we have in the UI for assets with Quantity > 1. Please confirm if anything is…
Encountering an error on creation of Form template in Visual builderSummary: Unable to create a fom template in visual builder studio. Simply going to templates and create new template at the very fist point it says that this form layout…
Is it possible to validate Indian Defense PAN/GST number using Validation Rule?We are validating the Normal PAN and GST number as per the GST/PAN number format provided by Government portal, Attaching PDF. But No information available for Defense P…Siraj Pathan 96 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Radhika Abhyankar-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How Maintenance Work Orders Transferred to Fusion service workorders without using Service LogisticsSummary: How Maintenance Work orders Transferred to Fusion Service workorders Without Using Service Logistics Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…Siddharth Bhamare 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Narendra More-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Unable to add resources to Internal Service request queuesSummary: I'm setting up internal help desk requests. I created a custom resource role and set the Usage to Service feature. I assigned this resource role and a resource …
Creation of Redwood work Order and service request directly from AccountSummary: Can we create redwood service request and workorder directly from account page? Any idea please if anyone have done the same? Thanks,
How to create a Expandable section on Fusion Service UI for REDwood work Orders via Visual BuilderSummary: I want to add a segment/fragment on the Work Order (WO) UI by utilizing the attributes defined for the WO. I tried a few options like creating a fragment and ad…
View photo option on work order attachment ( redwood)Summary: Greetings, Currently, on the OFSC Work Order Next Gen UI, we are mapping photos from OFSC to B2B Work Orders. As a user, it would be highly beneficial to have a…
Resolution due date on OFSC work orderSummary: In our implementation, we dont have the enterprise contract module and instead utilize subscription management. Currently, in defining SLAs for work in OFSC act…
How to restrict standalone work order creation in Fusion Service?Summary: How we can control that user should not be able to create standalone work order n Fusion Service? Work Order must be created from Service Request page. Content …
How to disable or remove cancel work order button from OFSC work order screen? ( redwood)Summary: How can we disable or remove the "Cancel Work Order" button from the OFSC work order screen in Fusion Service Redwood? Alternatively, is it possible to remove t…
Work Order - Parts DetailsHi Team, In Work Order, we have part details tab. When work order status is Started / Suspended, Create Parts (+ Icon is disabled) how to enable this for work order stat…
How is inventory Site is being programmed in the AR Standard invoice for Bill Only OrdersAuto Accounting Rule has Site with Standard Lines as Value Source. However, an item is configured with 3 Inventory Organizations- CSI (000), MX2 (402) and DSI (403) unde…Balakrishna Nyamala 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Balakrishna Nyamala Channel Revenue Management
Default Work Order Search in Service Request TabSummary: Hi, Is there any way to change the default search on the Work Orders sub tab on Service Request to "All Work Orders" instead of "Open Work Orders": I couldn't f…
Unable to create Work Order: Work Order Area is Grayed outSummary Unable to create Work Order: Work Order Area is Grayed outContent Hello Experts! We integrated B2B Service & Field Service. The configuration was a success howev…
"Automating Service Request Status to 'In Progress' for Generic or OFSC Work Orders"Summary: Could we automate the service request status to "In Progress" when creating a Generic or OFSC work order? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
I am unable to see my internal service requestsWhen I create an internal service request, i am unable to see it from Help desk request work area. I have assigned all the necessary helpdesk related rolesas well. Any h…
Service Work order OFSC attachment description not coming from OFSC (Redwood)Summary: Greetings, We have an urgent requirement to fulfill on the redwood work order attachment field where we are not able to see the description on the attachment. W…
Is there a way to Import Service request part details, Creating SO & Receiving to be doneWe have a requirement on data migration, where we are going to migrate open SR's and need to import Service request part details (RMA & Shipment line) , post that create…
Can we import records for Parts Detail under Service Request via Import Mgt or FBDI?Summary: Want to know if the Parts Detail record can be imported by any means. Content (required): We can create manually parts detail records from RMA and Shipment line…
How to Enable Asset-Based Layout in Visual Builder StudioOverview Welcome to this guide on how to enable Asset-Based Layout (starting in 24B release) in Visual Builder Studio. This tutorial will provide step-by-step instructio…
Can I use the following seeded fields?Hi, I will be persisting external system service request ID, and service request number (both are different values), in Oracle CX Service Request form. Can I use the "Or…
Ability to maintain same serial number for child assetsHi users, We want to know if it is possible to maintain the same serial number for different child assets of a parent asset (items will be different for the child assets…
How to pre default Service Activity Type in the Add Labour / Expenses / Parts DetailSummary Navigation: Service -> Service Request -> Work Order -> Charges Sub tabs : Labour / Parts Details / Expenses While trying to add record, expecting to auto popula…
maintain maintenance history against work order for customerWe want to maintain the maintenance history against the work orders for walk-in customers. is this possible if yes please provide work around
What's the Deep Link for the Generic Work Orders?Summary: Hi, Pretty much what the title says. I am looking for the deep link to open an existing work order. I wasn't able to find anything for it under Tools --> Deep L…
Can we put order in draft status from SR?Summary: While pushing the sales order from the B2B Service Request, the order directly goes to OM. Is there any way we can put the order in draft status from the Servic…
Looking for documentation around using the part details functionality in work ordersSummary: The part details tab under work order seems to be part of Order management which we are not going to implement for NCR. Is it possible to access it programmatic…
Can we access custom object in order mangement extension using public view objectsSummary: We have a requirement to access custom object data in order management screen using pvo. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version …
Ability to stop Customer Service Representative from seeing Pricing details in Asset Overview PageHi team, In the Asset overview page, is there anyway the service representative can be made to not see the pricing details in the Last Sales Order Tab, Subscription tab …