Work Orders and Service Logistics
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How to cancel failed Field Service Work OrdersSummary: Unable to cancel Field Service Work Order that errored. Content (required): Please refer to the screenshot where the Work Order failed to create Activity becaus…
How to create Work Orders for Service Request in BulkSummary: Customer is looking for when we supply a list of SRs and it will initiate a mass creation of WO's on all of the SR's. And also should allow them to bulk update …Niladri Roy Chowdhury-Support-Oracle 121 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Boaz Hayon-Oracle Fusion Service
Consolidation of Attachments on a SRSummary: We need to consolidate the attachments from the field service works orders to the Service Request Content (required): We have multiple work orders / activity ty…
Service Logistics Debrief OIC integration erroring outSummary: The value of the attribute ServiceActivityCode isn't valid..A 400 Bad Request Error indicates that the target service is unable (or refuses) to process the requ…
Transfer Order is not getting generated in 'Manage Parts Requirement'Content Hi All, While trying to perform a part transfer from Subinventory to Technician trunk stock via Manage Parts Requirement functionality, Transfer order is not get…Abhishek Nirgudkar 66 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Bhargav Nandanwar - Trinamix Fusion Service
Can we fire a trigger from Apps Composer on completion of ESS Job?Summary: Content (required): B2B Work Orders are getting created from 'Create Service Work Orders for Preventive Maintenance' ESS job. We created a trigger through Appli…
B2B WO Title from Maintenance Work RequirementSummary: B2B WO Title from Maintenance Work Requirement Content (required): B2B work orders are getting generated through ESS Job 'Create Service Work Orders for Prevent…
Getting error while adding part to work order.Summary: The parts search program couldn't find the required parts. (RCL-5985034) Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 21C Cod…Santosh Lingannagari-Oracle 82 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Pradeep Tirumala Fusion Service
How to Add new status under Work Order integration which cascaded the Work Orders to OFSC.Summary: Want to add new Status under Work Order Integration which cascaded from work order inB2B to Activities in OFSC. Content (required): Version (include the version…
Is there a feature where i can flag the Service request as a re repair request on the Asset/SerialSummary: Business requirement is to identify rerepair cases where the same serial/unit is returned by the customer to repair center such that the supervisor can assign a…
Why Requested Date field changes to a day before when a new Work Order is saved?Summary: Requested Date field changes to a day before when a new Work Order is saved. Content (required): Requested Date is a standard field in Work Order Object in B2B …
How to default B2B WO Title from Maintenance Program (Oracle Maintenance Coud)Summary: B2B Field Service WOs are getting generated through ESS Job 'Create Service Work Orders for Preventive Maintenance' and WO Title is coming by default from Maint…
if there is a way to make the work order created automatically after starting the action planNeed the work order to be created automatically after starting the action plan.
Is It Possible to Support OFS Suspend Functionality in B2B?Question : Is It Possible to Support OFS Suspend Functionality in B2B? ------------------------------ Body------------------------------------ **This post was created as…
Roles required to update the work order using WebServiceSummary Facing an issue when trying to update WorkOrder using CustomerWorkOrderServiceContent Hi, We are trying to update the workorder using the WorkOrderService WSDL a…
Not able to create OFSC Work order in B2B Service cloudContent Hi All, I am trying to create OFSC work order under a service request in B2B Service cloud but we are getting the below error as popup alert. "ADF_FACES-60097:Fo…
Not able to add an OSP repair item in Parts Detail. Item not found in lovSummary Not able to add an OSP repair item in Parts Detail. Item not found in lovContent Hi Team, We are testing OSP repair process (Depot Repair), we have created an OS…
Interactive parts sourcing screen is not showing the parts availability search result in parts detaiSummary Interactive parts sourcing screen is not showing the parts availability search result.Content Hi Team, We are not able to see the search result in Interactive pa…
Created a Service Request. Added part. Getting Java.lang.NullpointerException errorSummary Created a Service Request. Added part. Getting Java.lang.NullpointerException error.Content Navigation: Service>Service Request. Provided Title and Account. Go t…
Service setup check listSummary need any document for service setup check listContent Hi it will be great if any one shared check list for service and logistic setup , I just need setup for sta…
ODA for B2B ServiceSummary ODA for B2B ServiceContent Do we plan to have ODA skill built for B2B Service? Here are some examples of the ODA skills we are looking, Create SR Get SR detail G…
Customer Asset - Scheduled MaintenanceSummary Customer Asset - Scheduled MaintenanceContent Hi All, Anyone implemented the solution for scheduled maintenance of customer assets. Here is the use case, 1. Cust…
SR and Project Costing IntegrationSummary SR and Project Costing IntegrationContent This is for a customer requirement - we'd like to capture the cost (i.e. material, labor overhead) related to the insta…
Unable to create RMA Sales Order because of Pricing Error.Summary Unable to create RMA Sales Order because of Pricing Error.Content Hi, In Service Request -> Parts Tab I have added the Return Broken Product SAC and Ship Repaire…
IB update with customer return SACSummary IB update with customer return SACContent Here is my use case, Customer has IB asset (item#A - serialized item) with SN#123 Customer opens a SR with SN#123 then …
Sales order errors for customer return SACSummary Sales order errors for customer return SACContent Hi, Before I open a Oracle SR, I'd like to check if you have any quick fix for this issue. Here is the detail, …
SO# logic for SR Part DetailsSummary SO# logic for SR Part DetailsContent Hi, On SR -> Part Details, if I create one RMA (with customer return SAC) and one Ship (with customer install SAC) lines, is…