Work Orders and Service Logistics
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How to remove/Disable Classic SR and WO UI PageSummary: We are using redwood UI Pages for SR & WO Next gen and we don't want our users to use classic Service and Work order Page How to remove or disable the classic S…
Ability to track ownership of Installed Base AssetsHi members , We want to understand if there is any possibility to maintain an "Owner" field in Installed Base Asset that is out of the box, this will enable us to track …
Sync AR invoice with Receipt via web service or Apply receipts on existing AR invoicesSummary: We are looking for an Api which will apply the receipt on existing AR invoice. Do we have any standard SOAP or REST API ? if yes can someone help with manadary …
How to show the name of the work order area?Summary: Hi, does anyone have any idea why I see the bucket ID and not the name in the field? I need to show the name instead of the ID. Thanks. Content (please ensure y…
When I create a field service work order from Fusion Service, I encounteran error.Summary: When I create a field service work order from Fusion Service, I encounter the following error: "The area for the work order wasn't found. Verify the values and …
Work Order Edit Page Actions in RedwoodSummary: Hi Community, I have two queries when on an Edit page in Redwood WO -: Can the Cancel Tasks (in SS below) button be hidden? Can a new custom action be created o…
Work Order Area not showing while creating Field Service Work OrderSummary: Work Order Area not showing while creating Field Service Work Order Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): When we try to create a worko…Akshaya Pradeep S 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rahul-Singh-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
I can't see the account when creating a work order field serviceSummary: I can't see the account when creating a work order field service Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have created several accounts…
Unable to create a SubscriptionSummary: I am facing an error while creating a subscription in Subscription Management. I have already added the Legal Entity in the system, but the error still persists…User_5FJ4I 25 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raymond Li-Support-Oracle Subscription Management
Adaptive Search task getting into errorHi, Randomly in our environment Adaptive serach tasks gets into error and in result of that we unable to search any accounts or work orders data specifically on Redwood …
Is there a way I can get rid of WoArea from work order creatio page?Summary: I am looking to remove the WOarea from Field service Work order creation (on fusion service). in Our integeration we are getting the resource ID directly from a…
I can't see the asset when trying to create a Work order Field serviceSummary: Hi, We are implementing Fusion service together with Oracle Field service. When I try to create a WO Field Service I don't get any value in the asset LOV. In or…
Generic work order auto populate timezone ( redwood)Summary: Greetings, On B2B fusion service New gen Generic work order page how Time zone can be auto-populated based on the Asset location address or contact address? We …
Steps to create a maintenance Work order in Fusion B2B as service Work Order and Service RequestSummary: If anyone have done the setup for creation of service Workorders and service requests from Maintenace Work Orders. I have executed the process "Create Service W…
How can we add Supplier as a LOV value on Service Work Order ?We have a requirement where the information of the Supplier needs to be made available in a field attribute in Fusion Service Work Order. How do we enable this to have t…
For Service Parts Orders with Zero Price enabled, the list price is not appearingHi Team, We have activated several service activities with Zero Price enabled, as these correspond to warranty-type or full-service agreement activity codes. Please see …Sivabalaji 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dumitru Grosu - Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Advanced filters on custom Dynamic choice list field is not filtering data in Redwood work order.Summary: We have created one custom DCL for address sites and included filters using bind variable in work order object. It's working as expected in ADF, but in redwood …
What is service profiles? How to use and create in CX?Summary: Hello Can any one explain about the service profiles object usage and How to create the service profiles in CX? Currently create option is not available for ser…Venkat Malepati 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Lisa Wilkes-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
No Option in Service Logistics "Manage Parts Requirement" to edit PartsOrder created from B2B ServicSummary: Hello, Field Service Administrator is able to view in Service Logistics "Manage Parts Requirement" the Parts Requirement requests raised in Fusion Service Work …
How to identify Custom Integration Code for Field Service Integration?Summary: We have a need to add custom statuses to the Field Service Work Order. After Field Service completes the work order, it should go through a Review Process. To a…
Custom status for Work Orders in Fusion ServiceSummary: Hi, We want to add additional status values for Field service Workorders. What are the possible ways to have the new custom status values? ONe of the possible w…
Redwood:Is there any way to add new custom source to service address source on work order objectRequirement is to add one more new LOV for custom source to service address source field on work order object and based on LOV value we have to update service address. I…
How can we see financial costing transactions from Maintenance Work Order to CostingHi team, I need to understand how we can see financial transactions of costing interfaced from Maintenance Work Order to Costing, the current tasks provided by Oracle do…
Idempotent issues during interface calls/fscmRestApi/resources/ /fscmRestApi/resources/ How can external systems avoid successfully synchronizin…
Integrating Fusion field Service Work order attachment with OFSCSummary: We want to integrate Oracle Fusion Field Service work order attachments with Oracle Field Service Cloud (OFSC). Our call center team creates work orders and sha…
Facing error while posting charges for the PM WOSummary: Hi All we are facing error while posting charges for the PM WO , AS per the Service Logistics profile setup cost org is defaulted on the technician inventory or…Ashu Rewri - Trinamix 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashu Rewri - Trinamix Service Logistics
Automate addition of products to a product groupHi team, Is there any script that can be used to automate addition of products to a product group of a service catalog. A lot of items are being maintained by the custom…
B2B Service and work order without asset and adding the asset details back processSummary: Greetings, We seek the best practice or process solution for the following scenario: When the call center service team receives a call from a customer requestin…
How to create foldout panels for displaying Assets, Subscriptions, and CoveragesIn response to frequent requests, this article is specially crafted to aid system implementors. It focuses on a specific use case involving the display of installed base…
Need an API for Installed Base Asset SplitHi team, I need an API to split Installed Base Assets like the functionality of "Split all" we have in the UI for assets with Quantity > 1. Please confirm if anything is…