Discussion List
Route has not been started x minutes after the start time of the resource work daySummary Route has not been started x minutes after the start time of the resource work dayContent Hello Team, Please suggest if we can configure "Route has not been star…Neha AbhayNarayan Singh-Support-Oracle 78 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-01-08-03-31-185 Field Service
How to add a instance name in subject while sending email using OFSC email channelSummary We have a requirement to append the test instance name while sending emails from the test instances. Do we have any generic option to append the instance name in…
Pre-Planned LeaveContent Hi Technician need "Emergency Leave" or Pre-planned leave . How the technician will inform to supervisor ?? Please Do needful Thanks, Muthu.E Version 20a
Prevent visibility to a button prior to route activationSummary We're looking for a way to prevent the visibility of a button before a technician activates their routeContent We're looking for a way to prevent a button from b…
Service window supportSummary Need to know the functionality of service window support checkbox present in the Business Rules section of OFSCVersion 20 B
Scheduling an activity for Particular timeSummary How to start a an activity in particular timeContent Hi Community, How should dispatcher assign the activity to technician at particular time, Refer the below im…
How to schedule a Lunch Break in fixed windowSummary Lunch break from 12 - 13:00Content Hi Community, How did we schedule a lunch break in fixed time, I have created a. Regular shift 08 - 17. Then added activities …
Segments in Multi day ActivitySummary Segments in Multi day ActivityContent Hi All, Can anyone tell me on how to create segments in multiday activity? Regards ManojUser_2025-02-03-21-37-31-207 34 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-21-37-31-207 Field Service
CSS for implementing a custom plug-in in Core ApplicationSummary CSS for implementing a custom plug-in in Core ApplicationContent Hi I need to implement a custom Plug-In the the Core Application. Do you have any CSS to share m…
Custom Activity StatusSummary Adding Custom Activity SatusuContent Hi Community, We have new requirement on Activity Status as below, When Activity is in Bucket, status will be - Pending (OOT…
Field Service Set up docSummary Field Service Set up docContent Hi All, Does oracle provide any standard template to capture the set up values of OFSC? I couldnt get one. If you have one such c…
Common Question About Field ServiceSummary i want to know field service FeatureContent Hi I asked before about how I can create service request from Field Service , and I got the answer that I have to cre…
Custom Activity StatusContent Hi If i create new Activitystatus (enum filed ) means .. How can i fetch the value in Custom(ActivtiyStatus) Based on Default Buttons like end,suspend,Cancelled …User_2025-02-05-09-04-44-172 44 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-01-08-03-31-185 Field Service
Technician MobileContent Hi Is there any feature available to check the battery percentage? in Field Technician Please do needfull Thanks, Muthu.E Version 20aUser_2025-02-05-09-04-44-172 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-01-08-03-31-185 Field Service
Core Application and Plug-in to open external applicationContent Have you ever tried to define a Plug-In to open an external web application in Core Application? Could you share some suggestion about the configuration needed? …
Activity StatusContent Hi , i want to add 'lov value" in Activtiy status is that possible?????. But OOTB Activtiy status field as text field .is this possible to add new value to show …User_2025-02-05-09-04-44-172 38 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-04-44-172 Field Service
Make activity visbile for Bukcet/GroupSummary OFSC CoreContent Hi, In our instance we have 2 types of activities Internal and Customer. Now in Resource tree we have groups and buckets. If we try to add new a…User_2025-02-03-21-37-31-207 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-21-37-31-207 Field Service
File Attachment is possible ???Content Hi , I want attach document like PDF,Excell is this possible???... Already "upload "is there but it accept only picture. Use Case: Supervisor need to send pdf fi…User_2025-02-05-09-04-44-172 60 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-04-44-172 Field Service
Creating PDF from mobility formSummary We need to generate pdf file for a particular mobility form and send it to customer emailContent Our business is like we create a job in CRM and that job came ac…
Configure Resource History in Unified ViewSummary How to get resource history in unified viewContent Hi all, Previously in the legacy manage view, we had the ability to view resource information and within that …User_2025-02-03-20-28-53-847 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Stewart Logan-132577 Field Service
cancel_activitySummary Attempting to use the Cancel Action, but getting 'WRONG_CONFIGURATION - UNKNOWN LABEL"Content Trying to setup a Message Scenario to Cancel any 'Pending' Activiti…User_2025-02-06-07-21-39-041 37 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-05-08-58-21-980 Field Service
OFSC - OIC Initial SetupContent Hi, We tried to use the OFSC business events in OIC. We are configuring the OFSC for the initial setup. We could not find the Integration Cloud Service (ICS) Ico…Mohana Gopal S-Oracle 56 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mohana Gopal S-Oracle Field Service
Comments field in Resource calendar for Mobility usersSummary Add "Comments" field in Resource calendar for Mobility usersContent When adding a shift or work override from Legacy Manage there is a "Comments" field available…
MULTIPLE properties in SINGLE Set-Property message stepSummary Setting values for MULTIPLE properties in a SINGLE Set-Property message stepContent Let's say when a new activity is created we want to set the value "YES" to pr…
Change placeholder valuesContent Hello, I want to do a "set property" where a given field (Patterns>Subject) has the value equals than {activity_start_time} + 2h. Is it possible to do this calcu…
Using Teamwork for Part DaySummary How to configure resources to change teams part way through the dayContent In our organisation, we have resources who work together as teams. Generally these tea…User_2025-02-03-20-28-53-847 36 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-03-20-28-53-847 Field Service
Reset fields when activity startsSummary Reset fields after starting activity which was suspended beforeContent Hey everyone, We have a safety form that must be filled by technicians in Mobility in the …User_2025-02-03-21-22-33-570 41 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-01-08-03-31-185 Field Service
How to remove Repeating activitySummary How to remove Repeating activityContent Does anyone know how to remove Repeating activity ? Seems like the End Date field is missing from the Work Order Details …
How can I associate a configured survey with a Message Scenario?Content Regards, I need to send a sample configured in a message scenario associated with the closing of the work order, but in the scenario configuration screen when I …
Check out the new forms functionality - It's greatSummary Quick overview of some of the things I've been playing with. Would be great to see what others have done!Content If you haven't got stuck into the functionality …Graham Sawell-116355 58 views 11 comments 3 points Most recent by Lieuwe Wondaal-112783 Field Service