Compensation Tips
Discussion List
Alternate approver is unable to approve compensation planHello Specialists, Alternate approver has got the compensation plan approval notification, but is not able to see APPROVE / REJECT buttons in the notification. Instead h…
Manager is not able to see her Direct reports on the ICP pageSummary: Dear Experts, My manager has the "Line manager' role but is not able to see her direct reports while assigning individual compensation to them. My Team > Quick …
Workforce Compensation: Secondary Hierarchy using lookup PER_SUPERVISOR_TYPE and FormulaWe have a requirement for Secondary Hierarchy to use the Lookup type PER_SUPERVISOR_TYPE and create a Lookup code HRBP > HRL > HHR. Using the PER_EXT_HIST_ASG_SUPERVISOR…
Stock Grants Prepare Import Spreadsheet missing in RedwoodSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled the Stock Grants Redwood page but we noticed that the Prepare Import Sp…
Seeded role to see Stock Grants taskSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled Stock Grants task from Structure but it is not visible yet. Which seede…
Cannot see currency when estimating stock valuesSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, why when estimating stock price the currency field is not displayed? What kind of …
How to enable quick action 'View Compensation History' for Employee Role?Summary: We have a quick action named "View Compensation History" which gives a good view of salary compariosn across the years. we want to enable it for employee role. …
Enable the 'View Total Compensation Statement' for employee under 'Me'Summary: I have a requirement to enable 'View total compensation statement' for employee(under 'ME' tab) to view the previous compensation statement. I have checked the …
Issue with Custom Notifications in Workforce Compensation moduleSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, have you ever had experience with custom notifications in workforce compensation m…
Issue with standard workforce compensation notificationsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, for workforce compensation we enabled some standard notifications (i.e. request fo…
Display budget in worker local currency in Group ViewSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, is there a way to display budget in worker local currency (i.e. Group View). If no…
Issue with Group summary view in compensation planSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled group view by Country in compensation plan. Is there a way to display t…
Issue with Compensation Info and View Compensation History Redwood as Line ManagerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled Compensation Info and View Compensation History quick action in Redwood…
Available to Distribute on Manage budgets needs to calculate and show the % on the screen (0.05%)Summary: On the Manage Budget screen, Available to Distribute needs to calculate and show the % on the screen (0.05%) or whatever is the Overall Budget % Remaining to be…
privilege that grants access to Compensation Job and History in WorksheetSummary: Hi Team, Kindly let us know the privilege that grants access to Compensation History and Job History I have added the below duty role to Custom Line Manager Rol…
SQL query employee line manager plan approval statusSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we need to retrieve at the employee level the line manager plan approval status. D…
Is there a compensation column or filter tracking the employee proposal status?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we implemented compensation plan and delivered dashboards. Is there a way by stand…
Can Allocated with % In Summary Tab of the worksheet calculation be changed?Summary: For now, the Allocated Budget is 395400/45170880 (Eligible salary) x 100 = 0.88%. Customer requests that Allocate% need to be divided by Budget amount rather th…
Help on manager hierarchy fast formulaSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I need to replicate the line manager hierarchy in compensation plan. However, we s…
How to stop the compensation plan approval up to a certain manager levelSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, our customer wants to stop the compensation plan approval flow at the CEO level -2…
Is there a way to rename delivered OTBI compensation report columns and heading??Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, we enabled some delivered OTBI reports for compensation module. We know that they …
Old Employee with a new work relationship does not meet the LOS eligibility to be in the worksheetSummary: Dear Experts, The eligibility criteria for bonus cycle is to be more than 6months in the organization. I have set this using derived factors. The old employees …
Force ineligibility within Compensation WorksheetSummary: Exclude workers from compensation plan without leaving the worksheet Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, Our client wants…
How to Calculate length of service from enterprise hire dateSummary: Dear Experts, For an employee to be eligible for a compensation plan, I need to calculate their Length of service from their enterprise hire date. So that even …
Need to create compensation statementNeed to create compensation statement that should highlight any adjustments or reclassifications in pay, changes in job classifications, or market adjustments, but canno…
Workforce Compensation Worksheet: A Column specific condition that makes editable/non editableSummary: Hi Experts, The client wants to set a condition on a specific column that makes it Editable/non-Editable based on Employees Hire Date. Condition : IF employee i…
Plan information not visible in compensation formSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello experts, I enabled the worksheet information text box but when opening the compensation pla…
Any query to retrieve the individual compensation details, transaction details for emploeyeeInformation on the common tables/ any master query to retrieve individual compensation transaction details, person information would be helpful
how to update access level for secondary managersSummary: How to make access level to 'no update allowed' for secondary managers ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In administer worker, un…
Has anyone found a way to report out comp column properties without having to investigate each one?Summary: We are trying to figure out a more efficient way to track what our evaluation orders and sequence of comp columns are without having to check each individual co…