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Is there a field to capture the government classification for Australian employees?The government in Australia requires all employees to have a classification that can be used to determine minimum base pay, leave accruals etc. Is there already a field …Michael Jones 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Michael Jones Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Is there any audit retention period from Oracle and how to change it based on customer needsWe want to use Audit functionality within Oracle. For that we have enabled some Audit Attibutes using Manage Audit Policies within Setup and Maintenance. We want to defi…
ESS: Where can I get a global list of Bank and bank branches detailsSummary: Looking for a global list of Bank and bank branches details so that employees can enter valid banking details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…Laura_Stewart_Sita 11 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Laura_Stewart_Sita Payroll and Global Payroll Interface (GPI)
Approval ruleSummary: Approval rule Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, we have a requirement that employees who have a specific role assigned to t…
How the Personal Information of an employee is saved in Oracle?Summary: How the Personal Information of an employee is saved in Oracle and is there any kind of data encryption or data masking being done w.r.t the Personal informatio…
Oracle HCM - is there a facility to record gifts, entertainment or hospitality received by employeesSummary: Oracle HCM - is there a facility, or any suggestions, to record gifts, entertainment or hospitality received by employees so can audit and set for manager appro…
Integration with QERDS Certified Email Services under eIDAS2 RegulationSummary: Hi everyone, In current project we are exploring the possibilities of integrating HCM with the Qualified Electronic Registered Delivery Service (QERDS) certifie…
Implementing “Right to be Forgotten” for GDPR compliance in EuropeSummary: Hello, our project is committed to ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we are currently exploring how to implement the “…
Can a manager grant permissions for an employee to act on their behalfSummary: Can a manager allow an employee to act on their behalf - Pulling reports for specific departments, approving workflows routed to the manager etc. Scenario: In t…
Would the seeded fast formulas be expected to update automatically when the components are migrated?Summary: Hi, The current seniority date is used is V2. During our analysis, some of the seeded fast formula are referring to the the original hire date field in the per_…Saurav R-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - Oracle-Oracle Human Capital Management
Freeze backdated date entry in document records date fieldsSummary: Freeze backdated date entry in document records date fields Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, in one of the DOR, we have a …Muskaan Goyal 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Set 365 days criteria in date fieldSummary: Set 365 days criteria in date field Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, we have a DOR where 2 date fields are used. The requi…Muskaan Goyal 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
GDPR violation - Confidential personal information send via an email from FusionWhen employee changes personal information in Fusion like National identifier, Address, etc, changes is confirmed via an email in employee's mail box (outlook) including…
Removal of person user account when Remove a Person process is runSummary: We have run the Remove a Person process in the Data Exchange, but does not obfuiscate the User Account in Security Console Content (please ensure you mask any c…Pauline0112 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Reasonable Accommodation WorkflowSummary Has anyone created workflow around Reasonable Accommodation?Content Hi: As part of our project to go live with R12 we started to look at options available to the…
Business unit Security in job Requisition LOVA person having with AOR on Business unit='XYZ' only.But when the person creating a job requisition by selecting the use=Job then in Business Unit Lov all the entire bus…swarup ghosh 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by swarup ghosh Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Inactivate Secondary Positions when primary is ActiveSummary: We have a setup that Entails a Team Member (TM) being assigned to a Primary position with a specific pay and in some cases a TM can also work a secondary job wi…THawkins_LGI 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Brien Navalta -Oracle Human Capital Management
Calculate Seniority Date Process to include all records from 1/1/1951Summary: We realized the "Legal Employer Seniority Date" was including Pending workers so we created a new one (to the right in green) - we would like to run the job to …
VariableAllocationTask ErrorSummary: Hi All, I am working on 'VariableAllocationTask' approval task. I have created the condition like in below screenshot. And when i am trying to test the approval…
Data Retention,Archiving, Data Quality Checks , Classification and Tagging, Additional Data MaskingSummary: Oracle HCM Data Retention, Data quality check and Application HCM data Tagging and classification ,Addition Data Masking for PII data Content (please ensure you…
1Vacation Rules / Leave Requests / IntegrationsHi, Wanted to share scenario we regularly encounter which vacation rules could help resolve - but then beyond this have some thoughts/ideas around an ideal user experien…
Archive and Purge Transaction console attachmentsSummary: Archive and Purge Transaction console attachments. As per retention policies we want attachments for few transactions to be purged. Does the Archive and Purge T…DevasishG 43 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Fusion HR Data RetentionHi and good day, We are using Fusion HR modules mainly Core HR and Absence and wondering whether there is any data retention and purging policies in place for terminated…
User password LDAP process and SSO issueSummary: User password LDAP process and SSO issue Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, Greetings! This question is about the SSO acces…
Unable to Add New "Configure Seniority Dates"Summary: We would like to change the Legal Employer Seniority Date to include worker types for only Employee and Contingent workers. I inactivated the current rule and s…
Where would an employee add Accommodations for disability?Summary: Where can am employee enter these and where would we manage the configurations for these accommodations? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
employee added through HDL and want action as rehireSummary: employee added through HDL and now action code is hire or assignment change but want action code as rehire Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
How to remove buttons on approval notificationsSummary How to remove buttons on BPM approval notificationsContent We have requirement to remove buttons on BPM approval notification for security reasons. Kindly share …
Can we make the date of birth entry optional for an emergency contact?Summary: When we hire someone under the Brazil or Chile legal employers, it is mandatory to enter a date of birth for the emergency contact as standard. We would like to…Stella Kaszab 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Termination Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) based on Action ReasonSummary: Hi All, We have requirement to create a DFF on the Termination page under Termination Info section based on a specific Action Reason selected by the user. This …