Discussion List
Manage Goal Plans Task is Display onlySummary Manage Goal Plans link is Display onlyContent How to enable or Ungray 'Manage Goal Plans' Task in FSM. Could any one give the detail information on how to access…
When pulling Success Criteria or Comments into a report, it reflects the font codingSummary How can I keep the font coding from pulling into a report?Content If an employee has formatted their Comments or Success Criteria for a goal, the coding pulls in…User_2025-01-28-20-43-56-568 50 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Gloria González Performance Management
Goal Approval Date not availableSummary Performance Goal Approval Date not availableContent Hi, In performance goal, we have an approval setup so that employee submits the goal plan and line manager ap…
Organization goal weightage are not flowing to the employeesContent Hi, When an Organization owner is creating a goal and publishing it. then the weightage of the organization is not flowing to all the employee and not even when …
Can you assign a fast formula to a flexfield?Content Hi, We are creating a fast formula were the return value have to be assigned to a DFF of a goal. Is it possible to write a value on a DFF using a fast formula? W…Mirtha Antequera Borges 145 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-22-09-28-341 Performance Management
how to assign goals to employee enrolled in middle of the yearContent Hi, We are creating a goal plan and adding some goals in the goal plan. and assigning the goal plan to the employees. So, if an employee joins in the middle of t…
Ability for Functional Manager to route approval to line managerSummary Ability for Functional Manager to route to approval to line managerContent Currently, we have the following Goals approval hierarchy in place. We have a requirem…
Competency Section Is not Displaying Proficiency RatingContent Hi all, I have created a Competency Section and have included content items and have also enabled rate items and selected Proficiency Rating Model. However, whil…
The goal cannot be updated because its status is either pending approval or requires approval HRG 31Summary The goal cannot be updated because its status is either pending approval or requires approval HRG 3120296Content Manager created some goals for himself and share…
Allow employees to see goals for all employees in the organizationSummary Request is to allow all employees to see goals of all other employees in the organization, if they are shared goalsContent Good morning. I have a request from a …
Can an employee be given access to view all other employee's performance goals?Summary Can an employee be given access to view all other employee's performance goals?Content Using Employee directory, employee can view other employee details. But we…
Under My Team > My Team > Feedback > Provide FeedbackSummary Under My Team > My Team > Feedback > Provide FeedbackContent When a Line Manager adds feedback under Under My Team > My Team > Feedback > Provide Feedback for a …
Goal Management does not restrict to allow changes post performance evaluationContent Hi, Is there any way, as per which we can restrict the user from updating the goals in goal management post performance evaluation process, so that employee woul…Priyanka Kumari - Deloitte 43 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by David Zimmerman Performance Management
Total weightage allows to exceed 100%Summary Total weightage allows to exceed 100%Content Hi, The requirement is to have "Total weightage of goals when less than 100%, should not be allowed to flow to perfo…Priyanka Kumari - Deloitte 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by David Zimmerman Performance Management
19A Feature: Target Outcomes as Part of GoalsSummary I believe I have set this up according to the instructions, but isn't working as expectedContent Currently we had been using competencies as Target Outcomes for …Maria VanderMolen 102 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria VanderMolen Performance Management
HR specialist unable to administer goals while goals are in pending submission stageContent We have an FYI notification configured for Line managers when an employee submits his goal plan . Now we have an issue that employee has added goals to the goal …
Change status of completed goal?Content Hello, An employee has come to us asking if we can reverse the status of a goal they accidentally updated to status 100% - completed. It's greyed out and won't a…User_2025-01-30-04-19-33-542 63 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by David Zimmerman Performance Management
New UX - Managers Adding Performance Goals to multiple EmployeesSummary New UX - Managers Adding Performance Goals to multiple EmployeesContent Hi, In the new Performance Overview page Managers can add a Performance Goal to multiple …
Anytime Feedback - Person Notes with visibility set to 'Managers Only' option what does it do / howSummary Anytime Feedback - Person Notes with visibility set to 'Managers Only' option what does it do / how does it work ?Content I have read the following in the releas…
Unable to update the goals due to pending approvalSummary After Line Manager Approval still showing pending approval in employees goal page and not able to update the goalsContent Hi The employees who have updated their…User_2025-02-01-04-37-27-914 66 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-01-04-37-27-914 Performance Management
Best Practice for Goal PlanSummary Best Practice for Goal Plan?Content Hi! Can anyone provide me best practices for goal plan assignments? For 2018, each department had many goal plans assigned an…User_2025-02-04-07-31-36-111 87 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by David Zimmerman Performance Management
Where can I found the Organization Goals cascading to me in the new release?Summary I do not see where i can add goals from an organization goals cascading to me!Content I do not see where i can add goals from an organization goals cascading to …
19A Planning ChecklistContent Can someone share the location of the 19A planning spreadsheet for Talent Management and Global HCM? I can't seem to find it where it normally lives. Thanks! Bec…
Different KPIs to same CompetencySummary Associate different KPIs to the same CompetencyContent Hi, we are currently investigating what is the best approach to manage - in a performance document - the e…User_2025-01-31-15-09-07-564 53 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Vijay Mamilla Performance Management
Do We need to Create Custom Role for matrix manager ?Content Do We need to Create Custom Role for matrix manager ? I have performed all the mandatory activities to enable matrix manager for Goal but still it is not coming.…
Conducting performance evaluations out of the review periodContent We are planing to conduct annual evaluations based on the financial year period. Review periods are creating considering that time period. But due to some issues…Ayesha Thilakarathna 60 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Arun Kumar Krishnan [AK] Performance Management
Goal Dates and Time ZonesSummary Goal Start and End Dates Related to Time ZoneContent Hello, We are live on HCM R8 and currently testing in HCM R9, Is anyone else having issues with Goals that w…User_2025-01-22-19-21-43-784 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria VanderMolen Performance Management
Need help with eligibility profile fast formula for performance managementSummary Need help with eligibility profile fast formula for performance managementContent We have a matrix management configured for performance management. Now I have a…
Legal Entity Change - Performance Goal PlanSummary Legal requirement to not show previous goal plan to new manager.Content All - We have a situation where an employee can transfer from legal entity A to another l…
Reflect updates to shared goalsSummary How can I reflect updates to shared goalsContent TOPIC: GOAL MANAGMENTHi we are currently facing the scenario described below: - line manager assigns one of his …User_2025-01-31-15-09-07-564 31 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Ankur_Fusion_HCM Performance Management