Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Do we have for Development Goals weightages?Summary: Hello Experts, Do we have for Development Goals weightages in the application? seems we have many personalization in the current page hence we can't see that. I…
Delete Goal Warning Message in Responsive PageContent When deleting a goal by checking the box next to a goal name and clicking the Actions button>Delete, a warning message displays to the user saying the goal will …User_2025-01-23-23-27-03-729 60 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Jo Ord Performance Management
Why is the Onboarding Review Notification (Checklist) triggering early?Summary: The Onboarding checklist in Oracle is sending a system generated notification to managers who have employees approaching 5 months after their hire date. It is s…
Why is the Onboarding Review Notification (Checklist) triggering early?Summary: The Onboarding checklist in Oracle is sending a system generated notification to managers who have employees approaching 5 months after their hire date. It is s…
How to get each section score in performance document through FF?Summary How to get each section score in performance document through FF?Content Hi All, As per the requirement, we do have different rating modal values for overall sco…
Profile Content Sections > Calculated score of first section reflected on the second sectionSummary: Profile Content Sections > Calculated score of first section reflected on the second section Content (required): Hello All, I will appreciate your support on th…
FYI and Approval Performance document Notifications are changedSummary: FYI and Approval Performance document Notifications are changed Content (required): Hi, we are encountering an issue with both fyi and approval performance docu…
DFF issue under the goal pageSummary: Content (required): Hi Team, I need quick help, we have added 2 DFF in goal page and we configure the approval value, Example: we have change the Description wh…
Need deep links for Goal and PerformanceSummary: As per our business requirements we need to have deep links for Goals and Performance so that we can use the same in any dynamic hyper link or any other navigat…
Remove Access this task in the Workspace Application linkSummary: Remove Access this task in the Workspace Application link for ApprovePerformanceGoal task in the first line of the email notification body Content (required): I…Kenneth Fung 167 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Performance Management
How can I update objectives so they appear on the Performance DocumentSummary: Content (required): Hi, We have a Goal Plan 'Personal Performance Objectives ' that employees Add their own objectives against at the beginning of the year, the…
What exactly PerformanceDocEligibility.dat is used for?Looking at the business object name(Performance Document Eligibility), it seemed like this HDL/HSDL can be used for making a person forced eligible for a performance doc…
Approval Rule based on worker's HR RepresentativeSummary: Approval Rule based on worker's HR Representative Content (required): Hi, we configured an approval Rule for the Performance Document which includes two approva…
Can the rating provided by worker from self-evaluation be used as their Overall Performance Rating?Summary: We have a requirement for a subset of our client's employees to where the worker themself is tasked to self-evaluate themselves with their annual performance do…David Pham-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by David Pham-Oracle Performance Management
When does a manager's performance rating update an employee's talent profile?Summary I am wondering if it is possible for the employee's person profile to be updated before the document closes.Content In our performance template configuration, we…
Manager should get the notification if anything change in ratingSummary: Hi Expert, We have received a requirement from the client that if an Employee and a Manger has been completed thier evaluation and the performance document has …
Getting not required eligibility ProfilesSummary: Hi Expert, We are on the goal page here I am trying to add the eligibility profile, and I am able to see benefit eligibility profile that should not be the case…
Eligibility Profile based on a Fast FormulaSummary: Eligibility Profile based on a Fast Formula Content (required): Hi, We would like to create an eligibility profile based on a Fast Formula. This Fast Formula ha…Alberto Barile 191 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
How can we setup if an employee updates Task completion Percentage it updates the Goal Percentage?Summary: Tasks Completion Percentage should be linked with Goals Content: Based on the Tasks completion percentage the Over all Goal Completion percentage should show Fo…Aswin Udayakumar 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Hide Employee Rating & Comments in the Overall Performance SummarySummary: Hide 'Employee Ratings & Comments' in the Overall Summary, but keep Manager Ratings & Comments Content (required): In the Provide Final Feedback task, the custo…
EL to hide worker rating in Overall Summary sectionSummary EL to hide worker rating in Overall Summary sectionContent Hi Is there any EL where, once the Manager sharedsthe performance document with the Worker, Worker sho…User_2025-01-30-21-52-52-008 73 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Dev R Performance Management
Responsive Performance Document - Hiding Overall RatingContent Is there a way to hide the overall rating from employee but show ratings for goal section? Thank you! I tried but it's getting hidden from both section... I cann…
HDL Error while trying create performance documents for employeesSummary: i am getting the below error while trying to create the performance document for employees using HDL. Error: The 2021 Performance Commitments _ Managers _ EPM a…minati_behera-Oracle 55 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Performance Management
How to customize a Standard Performance Management NotificationSummary: How to edit a Standard Performance Management Notification Content (required): Hi, I would like to edit a Standard Performance Notification (the report is the f…
Is it possible to configure participant feedback requested by Manager and feedback visible for EmploSummary Is it possible to configure participant feedback requested by Manager and feedback visible for Employee anonymously?Content Hello, we have a requirement where th…Elisabeth Boulery 65 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Mallesh Jangam-Oracle Performance Management
Share Performance Document - HowSummary Share Performance Document - HowContent When a manager completes a workers evaluation the next task in the sequence is Share Performance Document. How can the ma…User_2025-02-05-07-31-11-275 163 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by pisgro_exponent Performance Management
How to create an eligibility profile for a performance document based on the goal planSummary: How to create an eligibility profile for a performance document based on the goal plan Content (required): Hi, we created two different performance documents. w…
Could Participant Feedback for an employee could be loaded directly to performance document? ?Summary: We are checking if we could load the Participant feedback to one of the previous year Year-End Review Document for one employee Content (required): Want to know…Natesan Srinivasan 1 view 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Manjunath Karanam-Oracle Performance Management
Department Fast Formula for Goal Plan Eligibility ProfileSummary: We would like to create a Goal Plan that is eligible to employees in a specific range of departments. Rather than adding all the rows to the Eligibility Profile…
Could an employee be added to previous year goal plan without running the Gaol Schedule process ?Summary: Trying to know if we can add an employee to the previous year goal plan without running the Manage Goal scheduled process Content (required): We have an issue w…Natesan Srinivasan 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Paidiparthi Ravindra Performance Management