My Stuff
Thanks markluu, that did work. I was a little surprised, but it does seem to work fine.
Thanks! 'T' is probably the only thing i didn't try! It works perfect now. I should have asked the question days ago when I first had the problem. Todd
I figured it out....Not sure if it is the right way, but I created a custom field sourced from the purchase price on the item record and put that field on the form.
Yes. I did that for both the new fields for the vendor and the new field for the item.
Same issue here. Is there a table that translates the short codes into the long descriptive geographical descriptions?
Thank you both for the quick responses. Since most of our orders are 4-8 lines and processed on a daily basis, I need a real-time solution. I think either solution other than the csv import would work. Thanks for the suggestions, now I just need to get to work on one of them.
Thanks everyone....I guess i'm glad to hear we're not alone! Now the problem is, we don't have any scripting expertise! I'm certainly not asking for something for nothing, but can one of you point me in the right direction on how to get started? I've learned mostly by trial and error, so i'm willing to give this a try.…
Does anyone know if this functionality exists yet?
17 days and no responses.... Is this a really good question or a really bad question (not dumb, ignorant maybe).
We use Pacejet for shipping, but I don't think that is related, because everything transfers properly from Pacejet. There is something in the process of fulfillment --> Invoice that is making a decision to change the shipping cost without leaving any traces in System Information (there are no workflows involved).
See attached. Shots 1,2,3,4. The screen keeps moving then disappears. Even when it disappears, it keeps going.
Problem reported to Netsuite. My Case number is 2039054. Will I receive a different defect number or public case number once it is reviewed?
I don't know how I missed it. It was there the whole time. Thanks for the help!
Were you able to get your customer login form implemented and working successfully? I am new to NetSuite and would like to create a similar custom login form and also need to get my website that is currently running asp converted for use in NetSuite. Let me know if you can help. Thanks.
maybe, but I am at a loss to find the item field in the customer file. It appears this might be one that has to start the search from a different table. The search times out when I add the item name field.
Well, I am not sure what I was doing. I think all of the 'pricing', 'item', 'unit' terms and combinations and permutations thereof were messing me up. You suggestion worked just fine. The only changes were that I didn't need the name in the results because I specified it as the internal ID in the criteria, and it was only…
Does anyone have any suggestions on this? We have the same issue now. Thanks, Todd
Same problem here. Spamhaus says is not blocked. -----Original Message----- From: Mail Delivery System ( [] Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 2:44 PM To: Tom Jones Subject: Undeliverable: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender This is the mail system…
We are down also (Minnesota, USA).
We would be interested in this functionality also. Does anyone know if this has been implemented?
Any update on this? Is it possible to search for exact phrases yet?
Did anyone ever get an answer? I have an employee who has tried several times to sign up and has heard nothing. Todd
Thanks for the responses. That's too bad that you cant change the standard one. Ill have to go the workflow route.