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Discussion List
Purpose of group relationship within eligibilitySummary Can you adjust the group relationship LOV and is there a function behind the LOV or is just for reporting?Content Hi All, We noticed an item had a group relation…
New EE Supp Levels & Options Not Showing in Open EnrollmentSummary New EE Supp Levels & Options Not Showing in Open EnrollmentContent This OE we have two new EE supp coverages 7x & 8x. In the system I have created the standard r…
How do you test the year rollover?Summary Is there a way to establish a system date override for testing?Content In the non-prod testing pod, we want to evaluate our processes and reports to ensure we ha…
Carrier Extracts - Oracle Integration CloudSummary Carrier Extracts - Oracle Integration CloudContent Hi All Would like to know if anyone has leveraged OIC to take the Carrier Extracts with enrollment data from B…
Medical and Dental Rates showing 0 DollarSummary Medical and Dental Rates showing 0 DollarContent Hi Team, We have transferred one of employee within the same legal employer on 7/4/2021 but only this month we a…
Error while loading Benefits Participant Enrollment data using HDLContent Hi All, I am facing below issue while loading Benefits Participant Enrollment data using HDL. Please assist. "The message is Error occurred processing election i…
Reduce life insurance coverage amount by half for an employee turning 70 years oldContent Hi All, We have a requirement like, if employee is already enrolled in Life Insurance plan with some coverage amount($X) and turning 70 years today, then coverag…
Benefit Service Center - Hiding SectionsSummary Hiding sections on the Benefits Service CenterContent Is there a way to hide certain sections on the Benefit Service Center? For example, when the user goes to t…
How to manage different coverage Start date within Medical Plan TypeSummary How to manage gap between plan enrollments when we have different coverage start date with in same plan typeContent Hello All, we have 3 PPO plans under medical …
End Date Coverage for an Unrestricted EnrollmentSummary How to end date the coverage and also element entries for an Unrestricted EnrollmentContent We have an Unrestricted Program and Plan for 401k to just upload defe…
Impact Analysis Template - Open EnrollmentSummary Impact Analysis Template - Open EnrollmentContent Dear All, Greetings! We have been identifying the objects for the needful changes /remediation based on the ope…
Error with importing benefits programContent When trying to import a benefits program, the process ends in an error. The error log displays a message as seen below: "JBO-BEN:::BEN_ELPRO_UNIQUE_CRIT_SEQUENCE…
Notification not receiving while dependent and downloads their verificationSummary Notification not receiving while dependent and downloads their verificationContent Hi Team When an employee elects coverage for a dependent and downloads their v…
Has anyone created "PotentialLifeEvents.dat" HDL Script and been successful in creating potential liSummary the "PotentialLifeEvents.dat" HDL Script is not working and throwing random errorsContent I have created the title script with the following field but throwing r…
Is it possible to evaluate a potential life event which is in unprocessed mode using HDL ?Summary Is it possible to evaluate a potential life event which is in unprocessed mode using HDL ?Content Is it possible to evaluate a potential life event which is in u…
Incorrect Medical and Dental RatesSummary Incorrect Medical and Dental RatesContent Employee does not have medical rates or dental rates listed. She should. (see attachments, that show the rates are blan…
Post Election Edit Formula IssueSummary Post Election Edit Formula Not going to the loopContent Hi All, We have requirement Employee should not select Parent or spouse plan without selecting the Employ…
EOI Integration with Lincoln FinancialSummary We have a new vendor and are considering doing an EOI integration for an inbound and outbound fileContent We have a new vendor and are considering doing an EOI i…
Create an eligibility profile using user-defined field which needs to reference a flexfieldSummary User-defined criteria to reference an assignment flexfieldContent Hi - Does anyone know the correct table and lookup to use when creating a user-defined criteria…
Open Enrollment Administrative Support Video HelpSummary Pre Open Enrollment Administrative Planning Help VideoContent In this snippet, we'll be discussing the actions an organization will need to take prior to open en…
Benefits life event box and name not aligningContent A Marriage Life Event was created to allow the employee to make changes to their benefits. When changing their election, the selection boxes under the "who do yo…
Need fast formula for EOI, new or increase during OE eventSummary Need fast formula for EOI, new or increase during OE eventContent Hello - We have a requirement where an EOI is only required if it's a new enrollment or partici…
Looking for help with first Open Enrollment on CloudContent We are getting ready for our first Open Enrollment on the Cloud, and looking for advice from anyone who has done this already: * Did you need professional assist…
Merged: We invite you to attend a ⭐️ LIVE ⭐️ webinar to get started with your Oracle Cloud Applicat…This discussion has been merged.
Unable to enrollContent Employee - was unable to enroll in benefits so he asked if I could enroll him in manually. I went in like I usually do to Ben Admin, and I keep getting error mes…
HCM Cloud Patch CadenceContent Hi, We are currently on a quarterly patch cadence. We are trying to evaluate the benefits of moving to monthly. If we can, we also want to know if certain months…
Can we Handle Loans in HCM BenefitsSummary We have a requirement to implement ability for employees to request Car loan, Marriage loan.Content We have a requirement to implement ability for employees to r…
Formula database items where can we see the logs printout ?Summary Formula database items where can we see the logs printout ?Content Hello, In onboarding checklist , we would like to have in a task eligibility profile condition…
In Benefits Enrollment Summary, Evaluated Life Events - is there any way you can put a field for reaSummary The admins want to capture the Why for the life event when one life event's setup works for multiple qualifying eventsContent Our administrators would like to ca…
Employee ER rateSummary Employee ER rate showing 00 DollarsContent Employee has Medical Insurance as EPO Employee + Spouse, however, there is no ER rate listed in her plan. It is at 0.0…