Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Hide objects in workspace for some rolesSummary Hide some objects in workspace for specific rolesContent Hi, Is it possible to hide specific objects in workspace UI for some roles, Those objects should be visi…
Creating Service request on behalf of multiple users for instance creating a SR on behalf of a teamSummary Looking for a solution to log a Help desk ticket for reporting system downtime or over time missing . Help Desk team should be able to create SR's and tag all af…
Chat message sent under SR > Messages tab not sent to contactContent I have implemented all the Chat Setup steps on OEC using the Chat Inlay option and the Chat communications and chat assignment rules are working perfectly and th…
Deeplink is not working as expected through scriptContent Hi Team, I want to create a hyperlink for SR number and store it into a field which will be navigate to particular record.For that I have used standard deep link…
HR Helpdesk ApprovalsContent Hi All, We are implementing HR Helpdesk and we have a requirement of sending the service request for approval. Business Case: Whenever an employee creates a serv…
Ability to choose any status value for the SVC_AUTO_RESOLVED_STATUS_CD profile optionSummary Currently the dropdown has only Resolved as the option. I would like to pick any of the status values that i'd like to use to build the Auto resolved status.Cont…
Import Management doesn't support using file from Webcenter Content ServerSummary Import Management doesn't support using file from Webcenter Content ServerContent We have a requirement to schedule auto import for contact object based on the f…Jitendra Singh-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Siraj Syed -Support-Oracle Fusion Service
File Import and Export in 20D and onwardsSummary File Import and Export in 20D and onwardsContent As I see 20D onward File Import and Export will be discontinued, does it mean that we can't use it at all? or we…Jitendra Singh-Oracle 52 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Siraj Syed -Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to send Email remainders to users for status change within SLASummary Send remainders using SLAContent Hi All, We have an requirement to send remainder notifications to users for specific users based sla defined, is it possible? Re…
Access token (JWT-OAuth) Authentication to Fusion B2B Service Rest APIsSummary Access token (JWT-OAuth) Authentication to Fusion B2B Service Rest APIsContent Hi All, From the API documentation, I can see JWT access token authentication is p…
Business Unit of a Service Request created by emailSummary Business Unit of a Service Request created by emailContent Hi Experts, It is to discuss with you regarding the Business Unit of a Service Request when it is crea…
Service – B2C Service 21A Release Overview, 23 February 2021, 8 a.m PT - Submit QuestionsContent Submit your questions for the Service – B2C Service 21A Release Overview session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questions by posting a ne…
Service – Simplify the Agent Experience While Not Compromising the Face of Your Brand, 9 February 20Content Submit your questions for the Service – Simplify the Agent Experience While Not Compromising the Face of Your Brand session to have them answered during the live…
Availability of Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) for Fusion Engagement CloudSummary Availability of Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) for Fusion Engagemenct CloudContent Hi Experts, Needs your input on Availability of Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA)…Jitendra Singh-Oracle 21 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Jitendra Singh-Oracle Fusion Service
How to import knowledge articles into Engagement Cloud?Content Hi Experts, Is there a way to load knowledge articles in Engagement Cloud? I don't see any object in Import Management that support import of Knowledge Articles?…
Date field comparisonContent Hi Team, I have 2 custom date fields named as firstPPMdate_c and Enddate_c. While saving the record with value, the firstPPMdate_c should be earlier or equal to …
How can we migrate CRM Job role and CRM Duty role from one instance to another?Summary How can we migrate CRM Job role and CRM Duty role from one instance to another?Content Hi there, I have created couple of custom duty roles and job roles and am …Jitendra Singh-Oracle 39 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Jitendra Singh-Oracle Fusion Service
No access for demo accountContent Hi all, I am trying to create a demo account for OEC Service Cloud using my oracle SSO account in However it is not working and got a messag…User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 80 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 Fusion Service
Send Auto Response based on dynamic criteriasContent Hi Community Members, We are looking for a solution to send customized auto response when customer creates SR using email and it gets assigned to specific queue.…
Reroute emails with certain keywords in the subject - using regexSummary Prioritising the email system basing on the keywords in the subject - Manage Service Assignment RulesContent Hello everyone, Would like some input in regex forma…User_2025-02-08-05-38-54-827 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Dinesh Sahu-172225 Fusion Service
Page Composer: Align text to the right with Expression BuilderContent Hi all, we have customized our "Request Learning"-page and beside others we have added a link. Now we have the requirement, that the text of the link should be d…User_2025-02-07-08-20-40-999 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Priyank Jain-Oracle Fusion Service
Possibilities of HRDR EmailSummary Can more email be configured?Content Hello Experts I'd like to know what are the possibilities with emails from HRDR. I mean i've configured the email templates …
Default channel by email entrySummary How configure channel trigger to change if email or normal entry?Content Hello experts. I've created a trigger to set ChannelTypeCd always as WEB. (Clients reque…
Agent sees only SRs designed to him/her.Summary Can the Agent see only SRs designed to him/her?Content Hello experts. We are trying to use the queues to direct to specific agents. Still we'd like to the agents…Pedro Teixeira 55 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Priscila Terazawa - Support-Oracle Fusion Service
Returning null value while calling GET restAPI through groovyContent Hi Team, I want to consume a rest API (GET method) through groovy script. For that I have registered the below API in webservices section and invoking through gr…
Unable to See Custom Object in the Navigator/Springboard within sandboxContent Hi Team, I have created a custom object and enabled the security options. Then I want to expose that object into navigator/Home page through structure. But it is…
Image on EmailSummary Add image file on email templateContent Hello guys. I need to create an Email tempate for Help Desk. And I have the images in png files only. How can I upload th…
RESCHEDULED: - Sales – CX B2B Service 20D-21A Updates, 2 November 2020, 9 a.m PT - Submit questionsContent Due to unforeseen technical issues, this topic has been rescheduled. An announcement with the new date will follow shortly. Apologies on the inconvenience.User_2025-02-03-20-43-48-697 27 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sona Srinivasan-Oracle Fusion Service
Knowledge Page CustomizationSummary How can I customize Layout Page?Content Hello all I'm having a problem with knowledge. Where Create button is not appearing to a user that has the approppriate R…
Required field errorSummary Title being required without the actual need toContent Hello all. Guys I've re-configured the layout of SR creation page. Just like the image attached. Though it…