Setup and Configuration
Discussion List
Regular certificate renewalSummary: Content (required): Hi All, We have received a notification of "Certificate Expiry Notification", which will be updating our test and production server certific…
Can we get all Lookup Codes present in the B2B Service cloud Application Using Adaptive Api Search.Summary: we're trying to fetch all the lookup codes present the B2B Service cloud Application Using Rest Api and Adaptive Search as well, any suggestions would be apprec…
why the user with knowledge manager role not having access to reports and analytics in b2b?Summary: the reports and analytics area in tools are not reflecting for users with knowledge manager role and knowledge analyst role. Content (required): the reports and…dinesh.mangilipelli 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ArunKrishna-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
why the users with knowledge roles not having access to knowledge panel in service request in b2b?Summary: users with knowledge roles in B2B are not having access to knowledge panel under service request page under service offering Content (required): users with know…
How to reflect custom content type on the authoring page?Summary: Created a custom content type in my Infosys instance of B2B service KM but unable to see it while creating the articles. Content (required): Full pathway of cre…
Jobs important to run for customization of knowledge authoring page.what is the job process important to run to reflect the customization and configuration made in knowledge page? Content (require) name of jobs. step wise process to run …
How can enable reopen service request and be showing in the status listHow can enable reopen service request and be showing in the status list
Please need to know why the system calculate time remaining 2 days instead of 1 dayand schedule from 9 AM to 5 pm from Sunday to Thursday.
how to manage queue in live experience so that an associate should not be idle for a longer time?Summary: how to manage queue in live experience so that an associate should not be idle for a longer time? When Shared queue is enable in a team (so all the available as…
What does the Service Functional Catalog used for in PIM?Summary: Can we get the Categories created in PIM directly in Service Request Categories? We have a option of Functional Catalog Are which is Service. Where does that op…
What all AI capabilities are offered by Live experience cloud?Summary: What all AI capabilities are offered by Live experience cloud? Content (required): What all AI capabilities are offered by Live experience cloud? If there are a…
Does Live experience cloud offer live chat?Summary: Does Live experience cloud offer live chat? Content (required): Does Live experience cloud offer live chat? Like can a end user first have a chat with the assoc…
How to manage skill and role of users in b2b cloud and live experience?Summary: How to manage skill and role of users in b2b cloud and live experience? Content (required): Let's say there is a user which has administration role in b2b servi…
How to create new custom context in Live experience?Summary: Associates are able to see custom context of a caller where the details are picked up from the callers device. Similarly can we create a custom context which wi…
How does file import in Localization works in Live Experience?Summary: Since LX has option to import file for localized languages, is there any way to deselect the default English file and import a custom localization file to check…
Hebatullah Ahmed 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Tony Phetbourom-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to tag a keyword to a recording of an engagement in Live Experience?Summary: Live Experience has an option where we can create keywords to be tagged to recordings to make it easy to search for a particular recording later. The creation o…
How to filter assigned to field based on queue selectedafter select specific queue need the assigned to showing only resources added to this queue
Is there a way to view chat transcript if it is not associated to a contact or SRSummary: Is there a way to view chat transcript if it is not associated to a contact or SR Content (required): We are seeing chats with no contact associated and Agent a…
Is there a way to determine what other fixed choice list field are using a specific lookup?Summary: Content (required): we know that lookup type is reusable, is there a way to determine what are the fields that use that lookup type? Example i have lookup up ty…
We have a requirement to add custom fields in the User Creation Page.Summary: But when checked from Resource entity we were able to add the fields on the desktop pages of Creation Page layotu but the same is not exposed on UI. Any suggest…Venkat Mekala 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Nicoleta Chiru-Support-Oracle Fusion Service
How to make changes in engagement scenario that affect the LX Demo app?Summary: How to make changes in engagement scenario that affect the LX Demo app? Content (required): I Tried to make changes in the default engagement scenario like enab…
How to retrieve data from entitlement rules onto Service Request using GroovySummary: We have a requirement to retrieve data from entitlement rules onto Service Request using Groovy. Could you please suggest a way to achieve this. Content (requir…
To Fetch Entitlement Rules Data through RESTAPISummary: We are facing issue to fetch Entitlements Rules Data through RESTAPI from B2B Service, We have referred Get a subscription entitlement detail /crmRestApi/resour…
Desktop notifications for B2B Service cloud usersSummary: We have a requirement to send a screen pop-up on the B2B Service application or a desktop notification to B2B Service users. Content (required): When a customer…
reading & assign an sr to specific queue through assignment rulesSummary: "reading a text or phrase from Problem Description field in Service Request screen and assign that SR to a specific queue through assignment rules or any automa…
groovy script to update the data in custom object when the SR status is changed to resolvedSummary: To update the data in custom object , when SR is resolved couldnot find it Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code …
Refresh Service Work Orther page with GroovySummary: Hello. I had create a Groovy script in Service Work Order to complete most fields of the page introducing only the Asset Number. The code in working ok, but whe…
Service Default calendar is not showingProfile value is empty?
Custom attribute not showing inside the class matrixAfter adding the below attribute inside manage service mapping Try to select it from the matrix class its not existing in the compare to Attribute list I followed the al…