Discussion List
Why does the oci dynamic inventory plugin only discover instances that have lifecycle_state RUNNING?Summary: When using the OCI ansible dynamic plugin to create an inventory, it finds all compute instances that are running, but ignores those that are in stopped state. …
Unable to open a port to be accessible from InternetSummary: I just deployed a small application and I am trying to access it from Internet using the public IP address. I have created the ingress rules and opened differen…
Being charged for a free amount of storageSo I have terminated an Cloud Instance (which had a 50GB boot volume), which I am intending to replace with a different Cloud Instance with a different "Shape" and stuff…
APM Enablement in SOA marketplace serversSummary: APM enablement is important in the SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) marketplace servers because it allows organizations to monitor and manage the performance…Narasimharao Popuri-Oracle 71 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Kondala Rao-Oracle Observability & Management
Instance lockedSummary: Instance was locked. Content (required): Instance was locked. I was testing a compute instance with a VPN. Didn't notice that someone on our network was using b…
how long does it take to delete tenancy?Summary: Operation State % Complete Accepted Started Finished Row header Request raised In progress 33% Fri, Jan 27, 2023, 18:28:37 UTC Fri, Jan 27, 2023, 18:28:41 UTC C…
Instance configuration features need changesSummary:I just want to bring notice of product management team that instance configuration feature really need below changes.Suppose I created an instance configuration …
Import vmware images: does it really work?Hi. I've created a single disk vmware vm (version 8.0), dhcp and bios boot. I've uploaded it in a oci bucket and imported. During oci import, I'm forced to choose betwee…
Idea Lab button brokenThe Idea Lab button to the right of this forum appears to be broken, it results in a "page not found" message when clicked. Could someone look into this please?
Unable to reset my Oracle Cloud password via login interfaceSummary: Today I noticed my always-free server is inaccessible, also my Oracle Cloud logins failed even though I'm using the same password as usual. Content (required): …
Instance IPv6 address should be more visible in ConsoleIn the Oracle console, public IPv4 addresses are very visible, but IPv6 addresses are hard to find. In the instance list and the instance information page, IPv4 is visib…
Easy installations of ORDS on OCISummary: Does (or should) OCI provide an option to create and maintain ORDS instances? Content (required): I have manually installed ORDS in Standalone mode on an OCI VM…
Instance has been disabled by OCI, How to SSH again to fix its security issue?Summary: Instance has been disabled by OCI due to a security risk I need OCI to at least allow me SSH access to fix the security hole I am still on free account so no te…
2FA device lost before upgrading the accountSummary: While setting up my client's account they lost the 2FA device and now the trial is about to expire and we can't log in to the account to log a request and/or up…
"We are unable to recognize your browser. Please use a browser that you have previously logged in wiSummary: I am locked out of my account please help! I see this error message whenever I try to reset my password ""We are unable to recognize your browser. Please use a …
2FA device lost before upgrading the accountSummary: While setting up my client's account they lost the 2FA device and now the trial is about to expire and we can't log in to the account to log a request and/or up…
How can I recreate instance in free-tier plan ?Summary: I deleted my free-tier Linux instance. Content (required): I deleted my free tier instance, and then when I'm trying to create another instance, it shows the es…
Unable to access compute instance dashboard from OCI web pageSummary: try to visit compute instance dashboard from OCI web page Content (required): Login to OCI, then click compute instance, and getting page unable to visit error …
Unable to login my account (Free Tier)Summary: Hi, I'm unable to access my account "ahmadhassan" The username and password it's correct but give the below error. I tried to request a reset of my password a f…
NEW Video: Whats New in OCI - July UpdateSummary: ‼️Catch up with the latest product updates from the OCI Product Marketing Team Content (required): The July edition of What’s New in OCI on YouTube is out! Catc…
My tenancy has been deactivated for no reason.Hi everyone Some days after my trial had ended, I discovered that my tenancy had been deactivated. This means I wasn't able to use my compute instances or to create new …
Documentation for access-updater?Summary: The OS on my VMs is behaving in a way that's making it difficult for me to deploy anything and set up logging. Content (required): I have a process that I run o…
No "always free" label when creating new Ampere instance.Summary: Content (required): Hello! I create new Ampere instance. You can see on screenshot that shape is free and boot volume is paid , boot volume size is 100gb and i …JuxhinNtarda 121 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle OCI - General
OCI Account Upgrade is in process for several days nowSummary: I have requested my oci tenancy to convert from always free to paid though it is in process for several days now, can you help Content (required): tenancy: finm…
sizing MS SQL to OracleSummary: hi team for Sizing from MS-SQL to Oracle DB Content (required): i want to migrate Microsoft SQL VM with 16 vcpu , 128GB Memory to cloud as oracle database ( is …
instancia aparenta não estar funcionandoMinha instância não está funcionando corretamente. Tentei acessá-la através do painel Oracle , mas não obtive sucesso. No painel Oracle do meu computador, não consigo fa…Jailton da Fonseca de Cerqueira 12 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Jailton da Fonseca de Cerqueira OCI - General
Unable to start Instance in Free Tier: Please contact customer support to reenable.Summary: I wanted to start my instance, which should be eligible for free tier, but then I get the error message that is shown in the picure. Because I have the free tie…
Not receive password reset notification via my mailboxSummary: Not receive password reset notification via my mailbox Content (required): Requested for password reset via the login page as well as through Oracle online supp…
Instance disabled and cannot download dataSummary: My arm64 always-free instance has been disabled due to terms of service violation, and I would like to at least be able to download the data. Content (required)…
Oracle charged me after I changed my payment method while being on the free tier.Summary: Oracle has charged $100 on my card, after I changed my payment method. I just tried to changed the payment method while I was still on the free tier. Content (r…