Discussion List
I can't login to Oracle Cloud Tenant anymoreSummary: Since a few days, I can't connect to my cloud tenant. Content (required): Hi, I'm using oracle cloud for 3 compute engine machine and since a few days (after do…
OCI - Account Upgrade to Paid is stuck for months!Submitted request to paid account in April/2023 but it is still showing the upgrade is in progress since then. Please help!
Would it be possible to have my entire tenancy reset?I managed to completely lock myself out of both OCI and idcs by wrongly using the stacks feature of OCI to clean up my tenancy. I used to be able to add myself back to t…
Can't upgrade to paid accountSummary: Can't upgrade my Oracle Cloud free tier account to a paid account. Content (required): I would like to upgrade my free tier account to PAYG but when I try to do…
SSH service frozeI can no longer connect to my server through ssh, I get "network error: software caused connection abort" But everything else is working, I can access the website just f…
Get the latest OCI updates in less than 6 minutesThe September edition of 'Whats new in OCI' is now live on Youtube. Check out the latest updates: We've just moved to the mai…
Use in-transit encryption unticks when availability domain is changedIn the Cloud Console, when I open the page to create a new compute instance, "Use in-transit encryption" at the bottom of the page is ticked by default. However, when I …
Group policy for generating user API keysSummary: Is there a group policy required for ability to generate an API key in the user screen for OCI console? Content (required): I get following error when I click o…
Why amI showing an estimated charged to create a boot volume on the free tierSummary: I am showing an estimated charged to create a boot volume when creating an instance on the free tier when I have no storage used at all? I have terminated all r…
Instance still is in stopping stateSummary: Instance state is stucked at stopping state and also block volume detachment is showing state detaching for more than 24 hours. Content (required): Hi due to to…
Can we change the image of an instance without deleting it?Summary: I installed Oraacl-Linux-9 in free-tier instance but discovered Xrdp cant be installed on it for Remote Desktop. So, wanted to change the image of the instance …
Tenancy deletion requestI have made a tenancy deletion request. There are two work requests, one of which has been completed, and the other one TERMINATE_ORGANIZATION_TENANCY has 'Accepted' sta…
Oracle cloud instance needs to be reenabledSummary: My oracle instance is set to "stop" Content (required): i have been trying for a week to get answers as to why it was disabled, and i've been shoved around to a…
Why i cant login to my oracle acc and also not receiving password reset mailSummary: I can't login to my acc can anyone help to login to my acc.. i also dont get password reset mail. If i try to reset my password
Any way to import additional block volumes from on premise hypervisors like vmwareSummary Currently emulated import only caters to the first disk or vmdkContent Firstly this would be a product idea or enhancement request but I can't see it enabled for…
Always Free Compute Instance VM - memory less than 1GBContent Hi, I'm trying out the free plan of Oracle Cloud. I have created two VMs in the Compute section. The first VM shows 997MB in htop. The second VM shows only 687MB…
Cannot restart instanceSummary: My Ubuntu instance has been stuck for 2 days, I cannot force it to stop or restart since it returns an error that it is currently being modified, try again late…
Traffic Details: Crypto or Cyber-Currency Coin-Mining ActivitySummary: Instance disabled without any warnings Content (required): My running instance was terminated stating reason as suspected Crypto activity. I am very sure the in…
Instance is disabled and not accept any action requests.Summary: My instance is currently disabled, and I am unable to start it. I urgently require access to the data stored in this instance for learning purposes at school, a…
DMCA infringement handlingContent: I have been notified of a DMCA infringiment on one of my Compute istances and I would like to be able to start it again or atleast recover the data from the dis…
How get "Always Free-eligible" Boot volume?Summary: An "Always Free-eligible" compute instance is not free because the Boot volume does not have an option "Always Free-eligible". Content (required): The tooltip S…
Reverse DNSSummary Zone already existsContent I would like to set a reverse dns for a public IP address. Which is given to me by oracle with my compute instance. I have gone throug…
Lost permssion to everythingI was experimenting with creating stack and cluster I created one with MuShop then destroyed it and was trying to create a stack with Oracle Cloud development kit and it…
You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try another compartment, or cHi Team, Suddenly i got this message in my account all VM are disappear, also not able to create ne VM ? Can you please check
availibility domain is fullSummary: cant create a new compute instance nor can i change my region Content (required): so i had this vps i terminated cause i wanted to reset it. but my availibility…
You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try...Summary: "You don’t have permission to view these resources in this compartment. Try another compartment, or contact your administrator for help." issue Content (require…
The August edition of What’s New in OCI on YouTube is live!Summary: Catch up on key updates over the past month, including Oracle Database on Arm Architecture, MySQL HeatWave Lakehouse, New and Updated OCI Certifications, and mo…
Account deletion not completed, just the tenancySummary: My account is not deleted as requested, just its compartment and tenancy. Content (required): My account is not deleted as requested, just its compartment and t…
Stuck at a point doing OCI certificationSummary: I am doing an OCI certification, and am on Lab 4-1 (…
Why does the oci dynamic inventory plugin only discover instances that have lifecycle_state RUNNING?Summary: When using the OCI ansible dynamic plugin to create an inventory, it finds all compute instances that are running, but ignores those that are in stopped state. …