Classic HR Help Desk
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Applying List binding LOV_StatusCdHRHDWe are getting the following error, please note that we are trying to enable the redwood feature Mass update for HRHD. Any tips or has anyone encountered the same issue?…
I am not able to view the categories in Manage Categories for HR Helpdesk task. How can I update itSummary: I am not able to view the categories in Manage Categories for HR Helpdesk task. How can I update the categories? Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
Queue Notification set up is failing for HR Help DeskSummary: When setting up my Notification Preference for the Queue script created in Application Composer I get the error message in the image below. I want to notify all…
Unable to change the Subject for Acknowledgement mailSummary: Unable to change the Subject for Acknowledgement mail as I dont see any option to do it Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am able…
Groovy script sending out incorrect notificationSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I removed the script which notifies the employee when they submit a request. For some reason it w…
Looking for a particular Help Desk Cloud Customer Connect event?The Help Desk team wants to thank all of you who attended our live events in 2024 (and 2023!). If you have a topic you'd like for us to consider in 2025, please let us k…
Calendar dropdown is not showing while creating Action Plan Template for CaseSummary: Calendar dropdown is not showing while creating Action Plan Template for Case Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include th…
I am not able to view the queues created in Manage queues for HR helpdesk task.Its giving the confirmation notification that the queues are created but I am not able to see them
restrict the visibility of CategoriesSummary: We have implemented HR HELPDESK and would like to restrict the visibility of Categories and tickets based on Categories assigned to the Help Desk Manager and Ag…
What happens when multiple object workflows conditions are met?We have multiple custom object workflows which trigger different actions when the conditions are met. I'm currently investigating an issue where one of the email notific…
can we automate the manual adding process of employee as a resource in resource directorySummary: Is there a way to automate the manual adding process of a employee as a resource in resource directory for access helpdesk moduke Content (please ensure you mas…
Difference between Inline and Miscellaneous attachments in HRHDSummary: I dont find difference between Inline and Miscellaneous attachments in HRHD, both looks same for me. Can you let me know what is the Difference between Inline a…
Unable to show the action plan flow chart to EmployeeSummary: There is the request from business to show the action plan flow chart in Employee screen, currently it is accessible only in agent UI. We tried whether can be a…
Rename the delivered dashboard name from "HR Help Desk Inflolets" to "HC Help Desk Inflolets"Summary: There is a request from our business to change the label of the seeded HRHD dashboard from "HR Help Desk Inflolets" to "HC Help Desk Inflolets" (please refer th…
Why is the Assigned to field pulling suppliers from CRM instead of EEs? HR Help Desk/Case ManagementSummary: Both the Assigned to field and Team Members field are pulling suppliers from our CRM side instead of pulling in employees from the HCM side. I have the Case Man…
Need to Create a OTBI analysis for Helpdesk reporting on Agents who update the SR severitySummary:How to get the old severity and New severity values updated by a given agent in the report from Help desk subject areas. I do not see this attributes in any subj…veere 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Radhika Abhyankar-Support-Oracle Reporting & Analytics for Fusion Service
Provision to have User guide for Employee UISummary: Is it possible to upload help document /user guide for employees in HRHD redwood page. If yes how can we do it. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Browse Popular Articles section should display Category tiles instead of FAQsSummary: Browse Popular Articles section should display Category tiles instead of FAQs, Please find attached document for more details to understand what is the expectat…
Unable to change the label of items listed in Category field under Attachment sectionSummary: There is a request from the business to change label of the values listed in Category field under attachment section in employee UI, however the category field …
Case Type value to display specific buttons/fieldsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I want to create a condition that only produces specific buttons when a case type value is select…
How to make all data/value visible in "Solution Description" field if read-only viewHi, Is anyone know how to make all value of "Solution Description" field visible in as this is only a single text field. Currently the data displayed is not complete. Up…
Access to HR Help Desk/Case Management Through Service Catalog Reporting?Summary: I'm curious if employees (outside of HR) who have access to the Service Catalog have the ability to pull data from HR Help Desk and or Case Management since the…
We are trying to implement Collaborate with Microsoft TeamsSummary: We are trying to implement Collaborate with Microsoft Teams from the 23A Implementation Guide. Step 2 says Create a MS Teams App - search for App Studio - App S…
unable to select category in case management in helpdeskSummary: while creating case in helpdesk request category values are not populated ,can any one provide solution for the issue Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Groovy script to notify agent when request is updatedSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My groovy script is supposed to send a bell/email notification to agents when their request is up…
can we enable NextGen HRHD in a environment where redwood not enabledSummary: Currently, Redwood is not enabled in the customer's environment. However, we would prefer to proceed with NextGen HRHD instead of the classic HRHD. I would appr…
Change the text "What you want to do today" in Employee UI.Summary: In HRHD redwood version, Business wanted to change the text "What you want to do today" in Employee UI. It is possible to change it. Please refer the attachment…
Grant Subscription Management/ Entitlements Management access to Next Gen Help Desk AdministratorSummary: @Lisa Wilkes-Support-Oracle Next Gen Help Desk Administrator should be able to access Subscription Management to set/reset Agent's Holiday Calendar. What role/p…
Action dropdown & Compose ButtonSummary: Helpdesk Agent is not able to view related options in Action dropdown when he opens the Helpdesk Service Request. Also, he is not able to Compose any message as…
Automatically trigger Escalate to Case Smart ActionSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there anyway to automatically trigger the Escalate to Case smart action once the HR Help Desk …