Category 691
Discussion List
How can we define Classic Helpdesk Milestone based on Severity ?Summary: Need help to understand if its possible to define milestone based on severity like - if Priority 1 – 24 Hours Priority 2 – 48 Hours Priority 3 – 72 Hours Priori…
Assign Ineligible User Popup coming in Health and Safety Assignment RulesSummary: While trying to click save in Health and Safety Assignment Rules in Risk Management, the below popup is coming ie., Assign Ineligible User? Please suggest way f…
Is possible using REST API apply an Item to an existing Expense Report?Summary: The idea is clear: when we have an expense item created in our work area, we would need to apply it to an Expense Report created before. I have found in the doc…
Redwood - HR Helpdesk - Queue Access when resource is removed from the QueueSummary: Hi All I have encountered a small issue. An agent is removed from a queue ie Learning and Developement and they can still see the requests assigned to the queue…
Remove Employee's Copy Help Desk RequestSummary: We have hidden the Copy Help Desk Request action for agents via Application Composer > Smart Actions. However, there is still that same action for employee. We …
NextGen HR Helpdesk: Multiple Schedule for a Queue and Milestone calculationSummary: Hi All, I am looking for a suggestion on implementing multiple schedules for a Queue. We have multiple queues like Payroll, Planning etc. different queues have …
Rearrange order of CategoriesClient would like to have a category at the top since it is is the most used category. Is it possible to rearrange the order of categories?Pernel Dela Pena 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel Placinta -Support-Oracle Help Desk
Knowledge ArticlesSummary: Is there a loader for Knowledge Articles? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, Looking for the answer to this question, please.…
Need to know timelines as on what time 24B Patch will be deployed in productionSummary: Hi Team Could you please share the schedule window or the timelines as on what time 24B Patch will be deployed in production. Content (please ensure you mask an…
Disabling suggested knowledge in Redwood HelpdeskSummary: We would like to disable suggested knowledge articles when viewing the details page of a submitted HR Help Desk request in redwood. We have found that more ofte…
How to hide availability icon?On the helpdesk list page, I see an icon which I would like to disable. Is there a way to hide this please? I believe this is for showing availability (not exactly sure)…
In NextGen Helpdesk, Articles are Not Showing in Browse Popular ArticlesSummary: Hello Customer Connect, In NextGen Helpdesk, Articles are Not Showing in Browse Popular Articles for Next Gen Help Desk User, Agent and Admin. Articles have bee…
HR help desk / Hide Add contact button from Contact area from Employee side.Summary: How to Hide Add contact button from Contact area from Employee side ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…
Redwood Profile Option HR Help Desk CategoriesWhat is the profile option to disable HR Helpdesk Categories? We're not using Redwood Helpdesk yet and are finding several issues with this Redwood view and would like t…
Service request management- How you can add the serial number section to the contactHello, is it possible to add to the primary point of contact of the Service request the serial number section? Thanks Best Regards Gianfranco
How do you remove/customise Employee Search Actions?Summary: How can you remove/customise access to certain Actions in the Employee Search page in Help Desk? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …
Next Gen Employee able to edit Primary contact and select any employee for requestSummary: Next Gen Employee able to edit Primary contact and select any employee - should only be able to select direct reports I have added only Next Gen Human user help…
What role or privilege allows me to see all service requests?Summary: Hi, I need to give a help desk agent the role that allows him to see all the sr's present Which role or privilege allows me to see all the service requests that…
What is the system logic behind the ordering of SRs?Summary: What is the system logic behind the ordering of SRs? Filters are not to considered.
Reporting on completed action plan actionsSummary: Hi, Our client wants to be able to report on when action plan actions are marked as complete, this is to ensure Next Gen Agents/ Case Workers/ Managers are comp…
Unable to hide Add contacts and Add team while creating CaseHi Team, We have a requirement to hide add contacts and add team members while creating case on redwood UI. From VBS there is no option to hide these 2 sections can you …
Agent Presence and Availability tool bar is not available to AgentsSummary: As per the Omni Channel Configuration, we tried configuring step by step even though we are not able set the Presence and Availability for Agent. We're able to …
Redwood HR Help Desk : how can we make Fields Read Only on My Help > Edit SR PageSummary: Hello Experts, We hope this message finds you well. We are looking to make the fields "Severity," "Status," "Critical," and "Category" read-only on the My Help …
knowledge articles not linking to HR Help Desk TicketsSummary: Knowledge Article added by HRHD Agent but SR requestor cannot see link on left side SR Details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Kn…
HR Help Desk Analytics Dashboard not working properlyIn HR Help Desk dashboard the data is not reflecting properly for roles like Agent, Admin, and Manager In Infolets mainly like Pending Contact Action, My Resolve Time, M…
Does the time counting of the help desk request closure process is based on the service calendar?Summary: If a SR is move in Resolved status at the end of the working hour of the working week, the SVC_HRHD_IN_RESOLVED_DAYS is set 1 day and Auto-Close HR Help Desk Se…
is it possible to reorder the master fields by entering first name and then last name?Summary: hello, In the service request management section, Currently, the biographical fields (e.g., “main point of contact”; “assigned to”,...)are in “First and Last Na…
How to tell the last refresh (P2T) from my TEST environment?Summary: We just want to know the last refresh date of the current TEST environment for Fusion ERP Content (required): How to tell the last refresh (P2T) from my TEST en…
Deeplink with Default valuesSummary: When employee clicks a customized button, it will lead to the Create Service Request page with category already filled-up. Content (please ensure you mask any c…
HR Helpdesk - Is it possible to auto populate employee Id, legal entity, departments through VBSummary: As per the requirement, we have fields as Employee ID, Legal entity, Department while creating the HR Helpdesk SR. But we do not have variables for these fields…