Category 691
Discussion List
Milestone Entitlement Rules report in HelpdeskCurrently under Subscription Management -> Entitlement Management -> Standard Coverage we have defined the template and under this we have created conditions (Category N…
Manager approval emails approve reject buttons?Hi, We are using nextgen helpdesk (HCM) and have built an object workflow that sends an email to manager if a certain request type is created. I have created an email te…
Standard Dashboard Knowledge Management ViewsSummary: Running the standard dashboard "Knowledge Manager Views" and setting the filter Show View: SR Links here I have this graph Doing some data comparison between th…
Insights into Extending Oracle Cloud Apps with Oracle Visual Builder and StudioI recently authored a blog detailing how Oracle Visual Builder can be a catalyst for innovation in your Oracle Cloud Apps. In the blog, I've shared insights into the cap…
How to Hide Inline Attachments in Attachments Category in HR Help DeskHello All, We are trying to Hide the Inline Attachments in Attachments Category in HR Help Desk SR Request Page. We have checked below Profile Options but couldn't able …
How to hide Product Code in HR Help Desk SRHello, We are trying to hide "Product Code" in HR Help Desk as per business requirement. We tried through sandbox but couldnt able to do. Can anyone guide the way.
Help Desk FeedbackSummary: Hello, My stakeholders are interested in incorporating an automatic Feedback section into each ticket to gather the Primary Contact's thoughts on their resoluti…
Redwood Helpdesk - Can you Add Fields to landing summary page?Are you able add fields to the landing summary page? We are able to so this on the responsive helpdesk so why can this not be accomplished in Redwood
Case Management - Documents vs AttachmentsSummary: Difference in functionalities between Documents (Case Management) vs Attachments (HR Heldpdesk) Content (required): Hi Team We want to understand the difference…
how do i install p6 eppm on azure cloudSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Has anyone experienced hz_parties table not be in synch with active person records?Summary: Scenario: Classic HR Help Desk - Agent goes to send response message to the Primary Point of Contact, however the email can't be found and we get a warning that…Scott Foos - Sr Manager HR Technology at ADT LLC 219 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Deana Wittman Help Desk
How to import Inline Attachment via Import management?Summary: In some cases, HRHelpDesk Request related messages contain attachments that are inserted within the body of the email or message. We need to import inline attac…
FBDI RoadmapSummary: Need clarity on FBDI approach for integration and roadmap for SCM/ERP/FIN pillars for bulk load. We came across this note…
Canadian French Language Code is not working as expected.Summary: fr-CA' language code is not working as expected in EL Expression Content (required): Requirement: Business need translations on a custom text in Canadian French…
How to translate tagged SR Category in Knowledge ArticleSummary: We are currently utilizing English, Spanish (MX), and Canadian French for Knowledge Locale usage. We have completed translation of SR Categories and Articles, h…
What is the reference element for keeping a resource inside a queue?Summary: Hi, Our client encountered an anomaly on an sme this resource (sme) changed from an internship type contract to a fixed-term contract, thus changing the matricu…
Is there a way to have a field to capture Maintenance Org for ISR?Summary: We are implementing Maintenance Cloud and using Help desk to capture Work Request information. There is no Field on the Standard Form to capture Maintenance Org…
Redwood Helpdesk - colours for separating messages internal/emailWe are moving to the redwood helpdesk and we have noticed that there isn't an option to colour code the different message types that we have in responsive Is there are w…
Knowledge Locale change to only Country in Analysis ReportSummary: Knowledge Locale change to only Country in Analysis Report Content (required): Is it possible in Analysis Report for the Knowledge Locale to only show Country i…
How to modify Groovy script to send notification (bell) only wen the HD User send a message via WEB?Summary: Hello, I have this groovy script that send notification to the agent (AssigneeResourceId) when a new message is send/add to the service request via web, this ha…
remove notification on the operator when posting a messageSummary: Hi, If an operator enters a message on the hr help desk, we would like to avoid receiving the notification when he enters the message himself. We found the code…
Help Desk Outbound Emails do not always display in Inbox (inconsistent issue)Summary: Hello, We've been testing HR Help Desk (Next Gen) for a new implementation. During our most recent testing we noticed that the Automatic Acknowledgement email d…
Can we create groups of knowledge articles to be displayed in the My Help page in those groups?Summary: Need to sort the knowledge articles in groups like FAQs, Policies, Forms, etc. and show them as folders in the My Help knowledge article area. Content (required…
Visual Builder - Field Template column spanHi, has anyone been able to set column span on a field template? It's straightforward to do on an actual form or field, but I can't do it on a field template. It always …
Oracle Maintenance Cloud for Bulk HaulageWe have a potential client who is in the Bulk Haulage business. They own about 200 vehicles and looking for a solution to maintain their heavy vehicles. Can someone plea…
Conversation replies in case managementSummary: We've configured Redwood HR Helpdesk with an Action to Case Management. Email channels for HRHD are active, working as expected. However, when sending email fro…
Detail DescriptionSummary: Can Detail Description field in the next Gen Helpdesk be made rich text? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
Query/Table to fetch RulesAppliesif field under Conditions section of ManageServiceAssignmentRules?Please help me in finding the correct table that holds the info of highlighted fields/attributes that are present in the attached snapshot.
Seeking Guidance on Enabling Email Communication in Next Gen Help DeskDear Oracle Community, I recently implemented the Next Gen Help Desk and am now looking to enable Email Outbound and Inbound channels. However, I've encountered some cha…
Agent not getting email notification when a ticket is assigned- Only getting bell notificationHi, We have triggers in place for an agent to get bell notification whenever the ticket is assigned to them. And in BPM Worklist our Notification is set to 'ALL'. So, sh…