Cloud at Customer
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Can not upgrade to PAYG account even when credit card is acceptedSummary: Can not upgrade to PAYG account even when credit card is accepted Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): My tenancy is ocid1.tenancy.oc1…
I want to upgrade my free account but cantSummary: I want to upgrade my free account to a paid one because I need a more powerful VM, but cant because of MFA. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
I have created primary ledgerI have created primary ledger but its status not getting confirmed it always show in processing status @MandeepGupta
EPMAutomate command to remove the PBCS applicationSummary: Hello All, We are working on the PBCS refresh automation as part of that we need to know, is there any EPMautomate command to delete the PBCS application. Could…
I'm unable to upgrade to paid accountSummary: I'm unable to upgrade to paid account - as many others. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I think the problem is, that I created th…
[Not Solved] My card was rejected but email doesn't helpSummary: I tried to sign up for Oracle but my card was rejected. But the email just said it couldn't be resolved and the consumer Live Chat doesn't work. Content (please…
upgrade Free Tier subscription ErrorHi, I am trying to upgrade free tier subscription but getting error msg. Please find attached snap shot for the msg. Could you please help me to solve this issue.
Unable to create a new compartmentSummary: I have activated my new OCI free trial account, as suggested by Oracle Support I waited for 24hrs to get provisioned with all resources while creating my tenanc…
Limit access to Billing and Cost Management informationGood morning. Is it possible to grant access to all tenancy resources to a group except Billing and Cost Management information, I want a certain group not to view any f…
I want to get a new bypass code to login to my cloud accountI tried to log in but I don't receive any notificatoin on my iphone and the authticator app is asking me to scan the qr code to link my account, which also requires me t…
PayAsYouGo Account Never ActivatedSummary: I have asked to become an Oracle cloud PAYG account on the 29th of June but I got no response since then. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Login Issue: I lost my password, and my email address do not receive any recovery mailSummary: I lost my password, and my email address do not receive any recovery mail, no any mail reach to inbox or junk mail
Free certification for OCI Generative AI through July 31stStay at the forefront of the AI revolution by getting certified for free as an OCI Generative AI Professional through July 31, 2024. Gain an understanding of fundamental…
I can't choose import bulk data in OIC integrationI can't choose to import bulk data into Oracle Cloud ERP in adapter ERP cloud in OIC integration.Yassin.Mahmoud-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Masiuddin Ahmed-Oracle OCI - General
I can not create a support account.I can not create a support account. It is not able to retrieve the organization name. I need the account for OCI Secure Desktops developer testing.Amarendra Behera-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Masiuddin Ahmed-Oracle OCI - General
Can't access to OCI resources after changed password and two factor auth.Summary: Can't access to resources after changed password and two factor auth. Hi! I use OCI free tier. Today on login oracle ask me to new password and two factor auth.…
Free tier- Instance doesn't shows, access and permission issuesSummary: Hi there, I have few active Instance in Oracle cloud few months now. The server is disabled to connect and I receive access issue with once trying to see my Ins…
SSH blocked with firewall, so I cannot connect.Summary: I'm using a free-tier compute instances to host a server on Oracle Cloud, but today I accidentally did something with the firewall (either UFW or firewalld, not…
Is it possible to disable the “Create New API Project” option for regular members in Apiary?Is it possible to disable the “Create New API Project” option for regular members in Apiary? We want new API projects to be created only by Apiary administrators. How ca…
Help request !!!!!!!I registered this account (jadeasbndavidon) in 2019 using a domain email address. Later, due to other life matters, I rarely used it, and it remained idle for a long tim…
Why no one is paying attention to my questions?If anyone has seen the problem I asked before, could you please help me solve it?
Locked out of Mobile AuthenticatorSummary: Oracle has just made me reset my password when signing in. After completing this password reset, I was signed out of my mobile authenticator. Now when I'm asked…
How to interpret cloud cost estimationI was going through cloud cost estimator tool but I am really confused. When I select Gen2 ExaCC with 16 OCPU monthly cost is coming around $16,000.This does not say any…
Don't receive the email set up complete and not find the tenant accountSummary: Don't receive the email set up complete and not find the tenant account Content (required): I have registered an account at Singapore region, after verifying th…
I cannot login to my Oracle Cloud account— Summary — I got an email said "There are no Oracle Cloud accounts associated with the e-mail address", but if I register Oracle Cloud with this email, the system shows…
cannot reset password, no email link is sentSummary: I cannot reset cloud account password, if I click on forgot password, no email is sent to my email. CLoud account is dridhaswana and email is dridhaswana@gmail.…
Oracle haven't refunded the 100$ verification charge for 5 days nowSummary: I have added my card with 100 USD in it to upgrade to a PAYG account, but Oracle took my money and hasn't refunded it for 5 days. And account isn't upgrading ei…
I am unable to login at the cloud freetier accountSummary: I am unable to login at the cloud freetier account not even getting any email with password reset link. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…