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Stop Automatic emails when candidate updates his/her applicationSummary Is there a solution for Career Center?Content Our managers and recruiters get inundated with emails when a candidate updates their record via the Career Center. …Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Vicki Moening-19535 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Updated Application Info EmailContent Is there any way from the Admin level to stop the "Candidate updated application info" emails from going out to req owners? I see I can edit it in my personal se…Julie Eldridge 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
TBE REST API Reference Guide and release 15B1Summary Is there a new version of the TBE REST API Reference Guide?Content The last posted version of the Taleo Business Edition REST API Reference Guide indicates it is…Carrie Ryan 106 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Saravanan Thirunavukkarasu-26616 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Creating a new Workflow for a new Career CenterSummary Issue with creating a Application Component, assigning it to a Workflow, then linking that Workflow to a Career CenterContent We have multiple Career Centers for…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 33 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Requisition fields auto-populate Candidate to Employee conversionSummary We need to be able to map requisition specific custom fields to the hired Employee recordContent We have created 2 custom fields, Position Number and Cost Center…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 45 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Internet Explorer 11 IssuesSummary Viewing the External/Internal CWS works in Chrome, not IE11Content When visiting either the Internal or External CWS using Chrome, all the fields when searching …Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 45 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Administrator as Requisition OwnerSummary Is there any reason that I as an administrator need to also be a Requsition Owner?Content I turned off all my emails for new applicants since it was clogging up …
New status of Awaiting Approvals-EXEC lost visibility of "Pending" on approversSummary Newly created status of Awaiting Approvals-EXEC lost visibility of "Pending" on approvers that had not yet approved the requisitionContent I created a new status…
My View - max number of requisitions displayed?Content Hi, Few of my managers are asking me how can they see all of their current requisitions on their My View page. Some of them have over 20 open requisitions and wh…Deise Adriano 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Georges Szegezdi Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Attaching candidates to requisitionsSummary Getting "access denied" when trying to attach a candidate to a requisitionContent When a recruiter is in a candidate record and goes to attach them to a requisit…
HTML Offer Letter - Successfully sending?.. With data fields?..Content I am hoping someone out there has the magic "code" to help me solve this issue.. The long and short is that we developed an HTML Offer Letter that merged and loo…Alison Gold 27 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Keeping in Contact (Automatically)Content Is there a way to set the system to send candidates an email of they have been at a NEW (or any other) status for more than X days?.. We are finding that our rev…
Keeping in contact with Candidates - Easily..Content Has anyone devised a way to keep in semi-regular contact with Candidates easily?.. I would love it if I could sort out a simple way to identify Candidates that h…
What is the difference between Requisition Hiring Manager and Requisition Owner?Summary What access does a Requisition Hiring Manager have compared to a Req Owner?Content What is the difference between the Req Owner, Req Hiring Manager, and Req Recr…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Can only certain user roles edit a requisition template?Content Can only certain user roles edit a requisition template? The HR Administrator role is not seeing the option to create a new requisition template or edit a curren…Martina Steinhilber-10150 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Is there a limit in TBE on how many picklist items can be in a picklist?Summary Being asked to create a picklist with 400+ choices and before I get started need to make sure there is not a limitContent We have been requested to add a field t…
Automated attachments on interview invitation not working.Summary Automated attachments on interview invitation not being sent.Content We have had some feedback from several candidates that they are not receiving the attachment…Jean Dickinson 17 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Srinivas Srikande-21735 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Job Descriptions in Job LibrarySummary Does every job description in the Job Library have to be assigned a requisition #?Content I want to set up my Job Library with just job descriptions as the other…
Need suggestion on New Hire Employee data sent daily to third party systemSummary Need suggestion on New Hire Employee data sent daily to third party systemContent Hi All, i am trying to send New hire Employee data to my Core hr System which c…Bijay Singh-21413 42 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Bijay Singh-21413 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Best practice for capturing EEO dataContent What are other companies doing to capture EEO data when applicants do not go through the online application process? For example, if an employee submits a referr…Kim Stuart-9761 110 views 24 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn Phipps Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Offer Email "FROM" addressSummary Why is the "From" different on the Offer emails from the System emails?Content Navigating to "Administration: System & Email Settings", our system is set up to h…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by RoyKC Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Editing Requisition Approval Requested boxSummary Is it possible to edit the attached image?Content When a requisition email is sent to approvers, they get an email prompting them to take action. If they click t…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 38 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_UX3TO Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Recruiter cannot select manager when converting candidate to employeeSummary When 'Manager' is clicked, the list of values is emptyContent When converting a candidate to an employee, those individuals with "Recruiter" role are having prob…Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 36 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Ruiz-Stupi-43477 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Fix the broken "Save Application" feature now and do not wait to fix this bug until the January ReleSummary Fix the broken "Save Application" feature now and do not wait to fix this bug until the January Release.Content Oracle Support has acknowledged that there is a b…
Automated email picking up old Job Requisition in TBESummary The automated response email link to job requisition is picking up an old roleContent Has anyone experienced this issue please and how to get round it? A candida…
Super Long Messy Link.. What did I missContent ..I am setting up Tier 2 and 3 applications as well as the invitations that go with them.. But the noted code to drop into the copy for the link ( ) is appearin…
Rejected candidate can reapply for same reqContent We have noticed that rejected candidates can reapply (and have reapplied) for the same req that they were rejected from. I've tested this out with a sample candi…Jessie Barth 54 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathy DiPaola-Oracle Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
Requisition Recruiter Field as Report ParameterSummary Requisition Recruiter field not available as a report parameter?!Content Good Morning! We are just starting to bring the Requisition Recruiter and Requisition Hi…Julie Eldridge 28 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Julie Eldridge Taleo Business Edition (TBE)
How to Edit Reason For Leaving PicklistSummary TBE RecruitContent Hi there-can anyone point me in the direction of changing the pick list options for "Reason For Leaving" field? I have received feedback from …
CWS to Career Center transitioningSummary I am working on creating career centers and custom applications for the new career centersContent I'm a little late to the game transitioning from the old CWS to…Graciela Villanueva 64 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Paul Wagner-15891 Taleo Business Edition (TBE)