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Reporting & Analytics for B2C Service
Discussion List
Manager to Staff AccountsContent Hi RN enthusiasts, Is there a way where I can create a Manager-Staff Account report? For eg: If I pass an account id or logged in manager opens the report he wou…Pramod Vasudeva Murthy-80436 43 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Pramod Vasudeva Murthy-80436
Multiple Vendor ViewsContent We have two separate vendors we outsource some of our client service to, and we want to limit their ability to see the stats of the agents in the other vendor's …
Thread Sequence and Private NotesContent I have been wrestling around with a report and was wondering if anyone out there has any ideas or encountered it before. I have a report that is simple and total…
Can I use conditional formatting on a rollup heading?Content I have been trying to find an answer to this simple question: Can I use conditional formatting on a rollup heading? I have a simple report: a regular data column…
How to detect a BOT attack and identify IP addressesContent In May 2016 I noticed an increase in visitor actions/visits when I ran my Service Summary report, ID:36. Oracle technical support responded to my service request…
Report showing Duplicate values in a custom fieldContent We have a custom field (orgs.c$accountnumber) that has duplicate values assigned to different customers based on brand and location. I am trying to create a repo…
Work Hour Relative IntervalContent Hey awesome people! We have been going on absolute time, and now we are not going to be 24 hours. I need to modify my reports to be in relative time. The only ad…
Report for incidents that are forwarded.Content I have a requirement by which my agent will forward an incident to some email id. After doing this he should be able to track all the incidents with email ids to…
PercentagesContent ok, still newbie here! I want to use the report Incidents by Disposition report ID 100140 and add a percentage tab so I can see the percent of each disposition t…
Highlight duplicates values in a report if not all columns are duplicatedContent I have a report with, say, 4 columns. Two lines of the data have identical values in 1 column, but not the other columns. I want those two lines to be highlighte…
Previous Day Reporting - Any Workarounds for Text Box Header Limitations?Content We have many reports running daily that report on previous days data. These reports have to be MANUALLY edited because there appears to be no way to get the prev…
Report to show Chat Agents and the Chat Queues they are assigned toContent Hello - Is there an out of box report that I can use to pull up a list of all Chat Agents and list the Chat Queues each agent is assigned to in their Profile? I …
Display Deleted Incidents Report with detailed information such as email, contact name and phone...Content Hello, I was reading the following useful post I noticed that we can display basic info…
Time in Status - Business HoursContent The Time in Status report from the cookbook post is great and have been looking for something like this …
Report Column function to calculate days between two datesContent All, As the title suggests, I'm attempting to use functions to calculate days between two dates, however I have not been successful to have the function return t…
Total surveys sent by monthContent I know how to get total surveys sent, but I'm struggling to break that down by month. Any suggestions?
Fetching Mapped Workspaces for All ProfilesContent Hi, I'm trying to generate a report in Rightnow which shows all the profiles and workspaces mapped to each profile. In that report, I need following 3 details. 1…
Alerts - Only include the last incident that meets the exception criteriaContent Hi, I have created a report that sends an Alert every time a chat goes abandoned. I based it on an exception with the following parameters: Expression: chats.fir…
How to change the date of the column chat_rt.first_engagedContent Hi guys, I have created a real-time chat report with the "chat_rt" table. The problem I have is that when a client is waiting for an agent to accept the chat inv…
Creating a custom script to remove unwanted dataContent Hi, We have an integration with our ACD that when a phone call is answered by an agent, a customised contact search report is popped in Oracle Service Cloud. The…
Alert for Abandoned ChatsContent Hi, I was wondering whether somebody has done anything similar. I have a request to create an Alert every time a chat goes abandoned from a specific queue. The A…
Contact audit log report should show all updatesContent For one of the contact, date last updated is today (18/01/2018 03:23). Audit log is not showing that date.(Refer attachment) Contact audit log report is not capt…
Get a report which matches multiple criteriaContent I want to get a report of Organizations which have expired on their support contract (SLA instance) last quarter. I do not want the org to show up if they have a…
Abandoned Web chat wait timesContent Hi there We are trying to identify how long customers have waited for before abandoning their chats. Can anyone tell me if this can be done and what field/s we'd…
Database and File Storage report other than VCIOContent Is there a way to report on what is taking up the database and file storage? We can see in the VCIO, but want to know things like what kinds of files (Incident a…
Chats reportContent Is there a report that shows for hours of the day how many agents were online vs. how many chats were active vs. how many chats were on hold? if it does not exis…
Proper use of count function on reportsContent I'm facing a problem while building a report . I'm trying to count the total number of chat session a client had with us. This is the report: I tried to create a…
Merging 2 text areas in a report column.Content Hi All I am trying to merge 2 text area fields into one column in a report but I am getting "expecting non-blob, found blob" error. Is what I am trying to do imp…
Last Referring URL Report for ChatContent Hey everyone, I am attempting to build a custom report to show the Last Referring URL before a Chat Request. I have built a "referrer" report where I used "click…
Changing size of custom fieldContent Hello, In an effort of controlling data quality, we would like to limit a custom field from 255 characters to 10. There is data currently in this field that woul…