Benefits Service Center
Discussion List
ORA-20001: The life event can't be reopened because there's no electable choiceSummary: The life event is getting evaluated but directly going to processed and closed status. The enrollment window is getting closed and when we try to reopen the win…
New Legal Entity not determining Healthcare Benefit EligibilitySummary: We are replacing existing Legal Entity with New Legal Entity effective Jan 01 2025. While Transferring the colleagues to New Legal Entity, their Healthcare Bene…
Issue with Benefits Fast Formula: Plan value calculation with dependents not being appliedSummary: For the client I am assisting, there is a need to calculate the plan value when dependents are indicated. In this case, there are several value variations for t…
Cannot Evaluate New hire life event Enrollment in Benefit service center pageHi Team, I am attempting to process a new hire life event for an employee. However, when I try to evaluate the life event, I encounter the attached error. This issue is …
New Redwood Benefits Summary Pages not viewable - 25ASummary: Hello! We are in the process of starting 25A testing in our lower environments. The profile options ORA_HCM_VBCS_PWA_ENABLED and ORA_BEN_ADMINISTRATIVE_ENROLLME…
How to restrict benefit access in Enrollment AreaHi, We want to give Benefit Enrollment area access to payroll people where they will add 'Benefit Group' to the employee. When I am trying to do the same either it is no…
Unable to view the Benefit plan to enroll,after reporting the life eventSummary: After reporting a life event, employees are unable to see the plans available for enrollment. On the Life Event page: "Visible on Self-Service" and "Self-Assign…Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle 39 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle Benefits
Report the Original Coverage Start date of participant in the Plan not in OptionSummary: How can we get the original coverage start date of the participant to the PLAN not in the option? We can't use the Original Enrollment Date as its changing when…
When accepting or denying a required Action Item, medical premium rates revert back to base rateMedical premium rates are based on employee & spouse (if applicable) biometrics. During Open Enrollment, if an employee enrolls in a supplemental life insurance amount a…
How do we setup qualifying life event for COBRASummary: We have COBRA handled through payroll. However we need to create a COBRA qualifying event in Benefits. The condition is if the employee is terminated and was en…
Employee dropped from Medical, Dental and/or Vision plan(s) Once the dependent reaches 26 yearsSummary: Employee coverage is getting dropped fully from Medical, Dental and/or Vision plan(s) Once the dependent reaches 26 years. This is happening once the child is r…
Has anyone else encountered this BEN-990951 error?Summary: There is no Oracle documentation on this error, so I'm looking for any help I can get Content (required): We are processing life events, and we thought maybe th…
COBRA Administration in Oracle HCM CloudSummary Ability to do complete COBRA setup in cloudContent Has anyone here implemented COBRA benefits in cloud? From what i know there is no full capability in supportin…
The salary change life event should not get detected if there is no change in salary amountWe have a requirement wherein we want the salary change life event to not detect when there is no change in salary amount just a record is created for salary change but …
Benefits Open Enrollment Window closes before midnight (12) ESTSummary: Benefits Open Enrollment window was 11/1/2024 to 11/20/2024. But every year the window closes around 5 PM EST instead of 12 AM EST (midnight - which is expected…
The New Hire coverage start date formula is giving error on evaluationSummary: We have a requirement where the coverage for part timers should start after 1 year through New Hire life event. We tried to achieve it using the below formula b…
"Enroll" button is not showing for newly created life eventSummary: I have created a new explicit 'Benefit Admin' and attached the life event to the program. I have also set the rules as follows: Enrollment code: Current - Keep …Vinodhini Rajendran-Oracle 18 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Pankaj Toshniwal-Oracle Benefits
New Hire Life Event should be detected only for full timersSummary: We have a requirement wherein the new hire life event should only be detected for Full Time employees that are hired in the system and should not be detected fo…
How to Suspend a Plan and Generate a Pending Action After Changes to Life Insurance Beneficiaries?I have a process for a client's life insurance where, when making any changes to the beneficiaries, such as: adding a new beneficiary, redistributing percentages, or rem…
How to override benefit enrollment in redwoodWe are currently testing redwood benefit pages, and am unable to find how to override an enrollment. In responsive, we would click on the 3 dots beside the specific plan…
Coverage and Rate Start Dates incorrect when Dependent Designation is used with Suspend EnrollmentSummary: Participant Coverage and Rate Start Dates are incorrect when Dependent Designation Requirement is used with Suspend Enrollment. First, let me say Doc ID 2404009…
Voluntary Life/ Spouse Life CoverageSummary: Hi Team, One of our client have a requirement that Spouse Life and AD&D coverage can only be selected if Voluntary Life and AD&D is selected for employee. Spous…
Option for D-enrolling Covered Dependents in Benefits EnrollmentWe are looking for a Solution / Automation process to D-enroll covered dependent in Benefits Plan Enrollment. Consider as of 12/31 for medical plan, Employee has enrolle…
OTBI Analysis/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, descriptionsHello, Looking for an OTBI Analysis (tables)/SQL Query to return Benefits Rates, Plan Ids, description etc.? Version 23C Thanks Gail
Standard Rate value rounding up to two decimal placesSummary: In HCM Benefits , the Rate value(Primary/Secondary) in the Benefit enrollment page rounds up to two decimal places automatically. However, we have a business re…
Can benefit beneficiary details automatically move from Plan A to Plan BSummary:We have 2 insurance plans Plan A and Plan B, Client wants Employee to fill the Beneficiaries details for Plan A and same information flows to Plan B Content (ple…
How to get the ESS log write of Fast FormulaSummary: We have created the Benefits Fast Formula and wanted to check it is working or not with help of writing the ESS LOG WRITE. What is the best way to test the form…
Waive Plan has been created as a Regular Plan .Error while saving electionWe have a Flex credits requirement where , if employee enrolled in Waive Medical Plan, he or she is eligible for flex credits of 50 biweekly. Also this 50 flex credits c…
How to set Life Events to Auto EvaluatedHi Team, Is there any way to have a Life Event/s to be automatically Evaluated? Is there any configuration of Life Events that needs to configure? Thank you so much in a…
Default Enrollment Fast Formula IssueSummary: Hi All, MY FF Is not working , Employee is getting defualted to same option its not selected to new option, anyone can help on this please Thank you. Fast Formu…