Category 691
Discussion List
What is the best way to update HR helpdesk queue rules?Summary: We have some rules set up for auto population of queue based on category selection . There is a update request where existing queue is needed to be removed and …
Sharing Tips on Automating HR Help Desk Request WorkflowI would like to share my latest blog post with this community. In this post, I dive deep into the process of automating the HR Help Desk Request workflow using Oracle HR…
HR Help Desk Agent -> Already A resource but getting an errorSummary: We have created several help desk agents for testing, assigned them the corresponding Next Gen Help Desk roles, have assigned them as a resource and incorporate…
why the employee independently changes the status of the SRSummary: How to prevent the employee from independently changing the status of the service request Content (required): Hi, the problem that our client highlights is that…
How long do SRs remain visible in Request found?Summary: Having opened SRs, when I search for a topic in My help (What do you want to do today?) the search based on SRs also appears, how long do they remain visible? h…
Exception during RestAction in Help desk when I try to Add ManagerSummary: Hello, my user have the role of agent (Next Gen Human Resource Help desk Agent and Human Resource Help desk Agent) when I click to Add Manager below contact, Ex…
Why do attachments within a document open on the same page?Summary: Attachments that are part of a Knowledge base article, why are they opened on the same page and not on another page of the broswer? Thanks Content (required): A…
We are looking for any possibility where we can generate Deeplinks / External URL for a custom pageSummary: We are looking for any possibility where we can generate Deep links / External URL for a custom page which we have created. We want to use that link in one of t…
Time Remaining - Column / Logic from tablesSummary: To identify the column from tables or the logic used to display Time remaining as shown below: Version 23B We have a requirement that needs the report to displa…
Redwood: Change in Severity Automatically Change Milestone?Summary: When we create a request it is automatically defaulted to Low with the option to change it later. If the Resolution Metric is based on Severity, and we changed …
Automatic change of Help Desk Request status based on CategorySummary: Is it possible to have different interval period to automatically change the status of HD request from Waiting to Resolved to Closed based on category or any ot…
How can users qualify service requests and send feedback?Summary: How can help desk agent recieved qualification of the resolution of a service request Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applica…
how can we inactive Employee Document of records? Is there any flag that we can use to inactivateSummary: how can we inactive Employee Document of records? Is there any flag that we can use to inactivate the documents on the employee records instead of deleting them…
how search behavior worksSummary: the search behavior works only by entering the first or last name , but it does not work by entering the full first and last name of the person to be searched f…
Requirement to send an email to the assigned person when any internal note has been added to SR.Summary: Requirement to send an email to the assigned person when any internal note has been added to SR using Object Workflow. Content (required): Requirement to send a…
Is it possible to provide different notifications by job level?Summary: Wondering if there is a way to send different bell notifications to the agent based on who the PPOC is. Content (required): In our implementation, the client ha…
Resetting the milestone based on the statusHi, We have configured milestones/SLAs based on the category. e.g. If the category is 'Absence' then milestone is 3 days If the category is 'New requisition request' the…
Add or remove actions under action barSummary: For agents, can new action be added to the action bar. Can we hide some of the standard actions? Content (required): For agents, can new action be added to the …
Ticket Transfer to Other PlatformSummary: Client wishes to be able to automatically transfer a ticket to another system Content (required): In our implementation, the client has asked if it's possible t…
privileges that allow you to assign a service requestSummary: What are the roles and privileges that allow you to assign a service request to another agent or to yourself? Thanks Content (required): assign a service reques…
Nextgen Helpdesk Resources and resource team - Ticket AssignmentHi All, 1.I would like to know what is the expected behavior when a queue has only resource team ( that has 3 members ) associated to the queue. So when a ticket is rais…
Redwood HR Helpdesk - Notification sent to the employee when their request has a status of 'Waiting'Summary: My customer has a requirement to send an email notification to the employee when their request has a status of 'Waiting'. What is the best way of doing this. Do…
Business Unit dropdown is Blank while creating HR Helpdesk CategoriesSummary: Business Unit dropdown is Blank while creating HR Helpdesk Categories Content (required): We are on 23b and classic HRHD, when trying to create Categories using…
Next Gen Help Desk - Categories DuplicatingSummary: Is anyone else getting some categories duplicating when scrolling through the categories? If I type in the category name, it doesn't duplicate, but when I just …
How to prevent duplicates from appearing in the knowledge attachment search?Summary: In the creation of my knowledge I have attached the same file several times in different articles; when I search for that attachment from My Help, it appears se…
Which email does Help Desk validate against when an employee submits an SR via Email?Summary: From this documentation: It is s…
Created categories not appearing in the drop down for a HR Helpdesk RequestI have created some new categories, assigned them Business Units, set them to active and they have category code and name. When I open up the new Service Request workspa…Paul Howard-Miller-237778 499 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Paul Howard-Miller-237778 Help Desk
How you can download Knowledge articles?Summary: is it possible to find a way to download aricles ( for exemple in pdf) from the knowledge Content (required): download an article from Knoweledge Version (inclu…
Created Business Unit not availableSummary/Content: I have created a BU in HRHD, but when I go to create a Category to associate it to this new BU, it is unavailable from the drop down. Furthermore, only …Paul Howard-Miller-237778 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Paul Howard-Miller-237778 Help Desk
How can we trigger an email notification to queue members whenever new SR is assigned to that queue.Summary: How can we trigger an email notification to queue members whenever a new SR is assigned to that particular queue in the Classic HR Helpdesk. Content (required):…