Help with Percentage Formula in OBIEE Reporting
Need tile to always display a valueContent
I need to ensure there is always a value display in the tile although the value is either below 0.00% or no value so the tile doesn't appears as not being calculated and/or empty. Please see image below for example.
Here is my current formula:
cast(count (distinct case when "Submission CSW Status - Historical"."Historical Step Name" IN ('Offer', 'Offer Status') AND "Submission CSW Status - Historical"."Historical Status Name" IN ('Offer Declined', 'Candidate Declined') then "Submission General Info"."Submission Identifier" end )/ count (distinct case when "Submission CSW Status - Historical"."Historical Step Name" IN ('Offer Status','Offer') then "Submission General Info"."Submission Identifier" end ) as double) * 100