CurrencyTypeCode is missing in FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.GlBiccExtractAM.BalanceExtractPVO
Hi Team,
We are fetching GL_Balances data from fusion using BICC job. We are using PVO FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.GlBiccExtractAM.BalanceExtractPVO (New PVO) for the same. Earlier we used to fetch same data from PVO FscmTopModelAM.FinGlInquiryBalancesAM.BalancePVO (Old PVO), but as per Oracle Support recommendation, we have switched to new PVO. Earlier we used to get CurrencyTypeCode from OLD PVO, but the same is missing in new PVO.
CurrencyTypeCode defines type of currency(Entered/Total/Stat). Could you please help us figure out how can we bring this column in GL_Balances data?