How to edit the BO in Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to match the required body for OIC integration
I created an OIC integration to convert a SOAP API to a REST endpoint, and then I used Visual Builder Add-in for Excel to call that OIC Integration.
The integration runs successfully OIC, as I sent the request body as below
"changePurchaseOrder": {
"changeOrderEntry": {
"ApprovalActionCode": "SUBMIT",
"ChangeOrderDescription": "Change line 1, add line 2",
"OrderNumber": "GPO38",
"PurchaseOrderEntryLine": [
"Action": "CHANGE",
"LineNumber": "1",
"Price": "150",
"Quantity": "21"
"Action": "ADD",
"CategoryId": "300000005647533",
"ItemDescription": "Test ad-hoc item",
"LineTypeId": "1",
"Price": "200",
"PurchaseOrderEntrySchedule": {
"NeedByDate": "2024-12-31",
"PurchaseOrderEntryDistribution": {
"POChargeAccount": "01-101-0101-000-11021001-000-00-0000-0000"
"ShipToLocationId": "300000004896878",
"ShipToOrganizationId": "300000005078621"
"Quantity": "10",
"UnitOfMeasureCode": "PK"
"SoldToLegalEntityId": "300000004890480"
In the plugin, I tried to create a business object named "changePurchaseOrder" and a child business object named "PurchaseOrderEntryLine"