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Add Different parents in List of getEvaluatedMembers in Groovy

Hello experts,

I have a doubt developing a groovy script. I need to get a list of Cebes but in this case I need to take different parents at the same time. I'm using this function to obtain members:

List<Member> CEBEMembers = operation.application.getDimension("CEBE", rule.cube).getEvaluatedMembers("Lvl0Descendants(Parent2)", rule.cube)

And for better understanding put a piece of CEBE Dimension here:

Parent A

— Parent1

— Parent2

— Parent3

— Parent4

— Parent5

— Parent6

I would like to get this members (not just Parent2): @REMOVE(@RELATIVE("Parent A"),@LIST(@RELATIVE("Parent1",0),@RELATIVE("Parent5",0)))

So it means that I need just members of Parent2,Parent3,Parent4 and Parent6, I can do that with different List but my question if is I can do that just in one line

Howdy, Stranger!

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