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Completed, Scheduled and PTO Balance
How to show completed PTO when someone has not entered any.Content
We have created a dashboard item for managers. This tells managers what their associates PTO is for the current year.
Completed, Scheduled, Balance.
We have the following formula in the Completed column. The issue is, that if someone has not completed any PTO for the current year they do not display on the dashboard at all. Is it possible to use does not exist in the formula?
CASE ("Incremental Plan"."Processed Absences") WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE (CASE ("Accrual Plan"."Accrual Plan Name") WHEN 'Garmin 40 PTO' THEN -("Incremental Plan"."Processed Absences") WHEN 'Garmin Non Exempt PTO' THEN ("Workforce Management - Absence Real Time"."Assignment Absences"."Leave Duration") END) END