VBCS calling ORDS invalid certificate
VBCS calling ORDS results in a bad gatewayContent
Hello everyone,
I want to call an ORDS REST api (https://dbdev.contribute.be/ords/ctbpdbdev/uza_chatbot/medewerkers/), but we get the following error:
"type": "HTTP://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.1",
"status": 502,
"title": "Bad Gateway",
"detail": "{\"type\":\"abcs://proxy_auth_problem/ssl/cert\",\"title\":\"SSL Certificate Error\",\"detail\":\"A certificate in the remote path is reported as invalid because of 'No trusted certificate found'\",\"status\":502}"
As you can see from the url above, the certificate is still valid. What am I still missing?
Thx in advance.