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Update 18C Enhancement: Displaying Approval Amounts on a Requisition Approval Notification in User P

edited Oct 23, 2018 3:57AM in Self Service Procurement 3 comments


Enhancements in displaying User Preferred Currency for Approval Amounts in a Requisition Approval Notification



As part of the Update 18C enhancements, we are happy to provide you details of one related to approval notifications and display in the User Preferred Currency.

I will discuss the different types of currency in a different article if there is sufficient interest. For the purposes of this article, we will be discussing User Preferred Currency.


When an approver views an approval notification, the approval amount is displayed in the functional currency and if the user preferred currency is a different one than the functional currency, then the approval amount is converted and displayed in that currency too. The currency conversion rate used is the rate defined for the requisition submission date. 

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