VBCS Assign variable problems in action chain to Array Data Provider (ADP)
My goal is to have a listview on the screen with aggregated data. I'm trying to accomplish this by mapping a rest call to a custom object inside an Array Data Provider. Strange behaviourContent
Dear all,
My goal is to have a listview on the screen with aggregated data. I'm trying to accomplish this by mapping a rest call to a custom object inside an Array Data Provider. I'm experiencing some strange behaviour though in VBCS. It could be human error though!
The setup:
I have created some Business Objects's in a different application and have added the endpoints as service connections through the ADF describe mechanism. In a custom action chain linked to the vbAfterNavigate event I'm doing a call to a rest service that returns a list (let's call it a list of entity Aanvraag). I'm trying to map this to a custom object Aggregate, Aggregate.Aanvraag, Aggregate.type = "SomethingHardcodedForThisRestService" in an assign variable step.