VBCS: Input onEnter event and event binding
Missing onEnter and getting no data in action chain unless custom eventBindingContent
Dear all,
Hopefully i'm not missing something but I cannot find the onEnter event on an input field (I want to trigger an action chain when somebody presses enter in an input field). jQuery supports this out of the box so i would have expected it at the events tab -> custom event. Am I correct to use the keyUp and check keyCode == 13?
So this brings me to another problem, to solve this I tried to use the keyUp (and keyDown and keyPress) and create an action chain. The data in the action chain is "0". This is because the standard solution for binding is: javascript event.detail -> action chain input data. So I had to change the input parameter mapping from {{ $event.detail }} to {{ $event }} to even be able to check on the keyCode and trigger my desired action.