How to get multiple rows via Database Access API in Custom Code
How to get multiple rows via Database Access API in Custom CodeContent
Hi Experts,
we want to retrieve multiple rows from one table from MCS internal database, i go thru the APIs but seem just have get a row or get all rows
database.get(table, keys, options, httpOptions): Retrieves a row from a table.
database.getAll(table, options, httpOptions): Retrieves specified fields from all rows in a table.
in bellowing response , we just need to get these rows ( 'employeename = owen') rather than all rows.
"items": [
"id": 2,
"status": "PENDING",
"description": "Zhiyu水泵保修",
"employeename": "zhiyu",
"createdatatime": "2017-02-21T09:51:45.699+00:00"
"id": 3,