Error while testing FTP Adapter in Oracle Cloud SOA
Error while testing FTP Adapter in Oracle Cloud SOAContent
Hi All,
I am getting below error while testing the File Adapter in Oracle SOA Suite.
<Apr 11, 2017 1:02:04 PM UTC> <Warning> <oracle.soa.adapter.ftp.inbound> <BEA-000000> <[composite_name: SOAReadWritePO] [composite_version: 1.0] [service_name: FTPReaderService] FtpAdapter has reached the nestedFolderLimit of [255], the adapter will not recurse into sub directories>
What I am trying to achieve:
I am trying to read a file from FTP server and writing the data in cloud database.
So I have created,
1) File FTP Adapter
2) BPEL Process
3) Database process
and deployed the SAR file in to Cloud SOA.