Groovy to create file in inbox/outbox
Ability to create a txt file using Groovy in inbox/outbox folderContent
With the July updates, we can now pull data from web service which offers data in JSON format. Is there a way to pull the JSON data and write it to a flat file in the inbox/outbox folder. When I try to use the File class within groovy it throws the message that it's not allowed.
I remember reading long back that Groovy in PBCS would not allow any file related options, just wondering if anyone has tried to achieve this with some workaround?
I am trying to pull data from external web service and write it to a file in the inbox/outbox folder rather than loading it directly to the cube. This is to offer drill through feature via Data Management. I wish Oracle had exposed the Data Management Interface table to write data using Groovy. It would have made life much simple.