help with parsing
I could use a hand with this access_log parser. The first field is going to be an IP address, the Client IP. Some of the records will be in the format
X.X.XX.XX - - [22/Aug/2019:08:02:08 -0700] 005^BNtDE3R3V8LayPbe6G0004kF001cnj "POST /tc/RestServices/Internal-AWS2-2017-12-FullTextSearch/queryAndUpdateSyncData HTTP/1.1" 200 436
Where the IP is the address of the firewall that is passing the request through.
Other records will have the format
YY.YY.YY.YY, XX.XX.XX.XX - - [20/Aug/2019:11:47:53 -0700] 005^93^uAez3V8LayPaeMG0004Fx001YPw "POST /tc/JsonRestServices/Internal-AWS2-2017-12-DataManagement/getTCSessionAnalyticsInfo HTTP/1.1" 200 183