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Using a Multi-Instance Subprocess as a Complex Gateway in Oracle PCS

edited Oct 27, 2017 7:00AM in Process Automation 1 comment


Using a Multi-Instance Subprocess as a Complex Gateway in Oracle PCS


To speed the time it takes for a work item instance to flow through a process, copies of the instance can be sent to people in multiple roles simultaneously in PCS.  Someone in each of the roles can then approve or reject the work item instance.  The challenge comes when an early release from all of the parallel copies is desired when anyone in any of the roles rejects their instance and the original work item instance should then continue in the process.


The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) has a complex gateway artifact with this process pattern in mind. When needed, the complex gateway's early release capability makes it one of the most powerful tools process modelers have today when designing executable BPMN processes.  Currently, PCS does not support complex gateways. Because its functionality often needed, this blog describes how to duplicate its functionality when modeling processes using PCS.    

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