Error While inserting Data into DBaas through ICS "Inserted value too large for column:"
Error While inserting Data into DBaas through ICS "Inserted value too large for column:"Content
Hi All,
I am encountering the following error while trying to insert data into DBaas through ICS using Invoke stored procedure option.
please note that i have changed the data type into Varchar2(1000) and i did not make a difference
<fault xmlns=""><errorCode>OSB-380001</errorCode><reason> Set object error. Error binding the value of parameter OAC_P_DAY_IN.
An error occurred when binding the value of parameter OAC_P_DAY_IN in the APPSDB.TEST_OAC_DAY_OBJ_PKG.OAC_DAY_INSERT_DATA API. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Inserted value too large for column: "2018-01-23 17:46:50.165000" Check to ensure that the parameter is a valid IN or IN/OUT parameter of the API