Configure Sahrepoint Rest Api authentication
resource Body parameter in the configuration of sharpoint REST API authenticationContent
Hi all,
I try to use authentication
Client Credentials OAuth 2.0
8 matches found
for a SharePoint REST API when I test the Endpoint I've got this error
"The request body must contain the following parameter: 'resource'.\\r\\nTrace ID: e33447a8-7b64-4212-a07e-0dbc3ae0f400\\r\\nCorrelation ID: 24288a0b-75b3-4a93-b97e-7da5b1a8e375\\r\\nTimestamp: 2020-01-29 15:57:49Z\",\"correlation_id\":\"24288a0b-75b3-4a93-b97e-7da5b1a8e375\",\"error_codes\":[900144],\"error\":\"invalid_request\",\"error_uri\":\"