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Enabling Segmentation Tasks in Demand Management in 20A

edited Mar 20, 2020 8:58PM in Supply Chain Planning and Collaboration 1 comment


Steps required to enable the segmentation tasks for existing users in the Demand Management work area in 20A


In the 20A update, the “Forecast and Analyze Multidimensional Demand Segments” feature was introduced in Demand Management Cloud.  This feature included the following tasks for configuring and maintaining Segment Groups:

  • Manage Segment Groups and Criteria
  • Manage Segment Members
  • View Segmentation Summary

The intent was that these tasks were automatically available for users that were assigned the existing Demand Planner job role. However, the job role change was not completed in the 20A release. The provided document details the steps required to enable the segmentation tasks for existing users in the Demand Management work area in 20A.

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