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Transforming nested complex element

edited Mar 23, 2020 10:47AM in Integration 5 comments


Below is the requirement for the XSL.

There is a nested loop in the Source ("CommerceItems" complex type) there are few fields inside this complex type which have to be coming in same level hierarchy in the output. We can discuss more on the call if this is confusing. 

I have a mapper (req_d7469d4409d94f74ba06274cd834a913.xsl) needed to be customized. So I have imported into JDEV ( and customized it as required. The XSL is working perfectly fine in JDEV when tested it locally.
I tried to import the XSL back to ICS , but it was giving the error saying "Expected :] at position 18: Expected :]" (issue_pic.jpg).

Howdy, Stranger!

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